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DigitalRuneMatrix44DCreatePerspectiveFieldOfView Method
Creates a right-handed, perspective projection matrix based on a field of view. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)

Namespace: DigitalRune.Mathematics.Algebra
Assembly: DigitalRune.Mathematics (in DigitalRune.Mathematics.dll) Version: (
public static Matrix44D CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
	double fieldOfViewY,
	double aspectRatio,
	double zNear,
	double zFar


Type: SystemDouble
The vertical field of view.
Type: SystemDouble
The aspect ratio (width / height).
Type: SystemDouble
The minimum z-value of the view volume. (Distance of the near view plane.)
Type: SystemDouble
The maximum z-value of the view volume. (Distance of the far view plane.)

Return Value

Type: Matrix44D
The right-handed, perspective projection matrix.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionfieldOfViewY is not between 0 and π radians (0° and 180°), aspectRatio is negative or 0, zNear is negative or 0, or zFar is negative or 0.
ArgumentExceptionzNear is greater than or equal to zFar.

This method is available only in the XNA-compatible build of the DigitalRune.Mathematics.dll.

In contrast to all preceding coordinate spaces (model space, world space, view space) the projection space is left-handed! This is necessary because DirectX uses a left-handed clip space.

In the projection space the x and y-coordinates range from −1 to 1, and the z-coordinates range from 0 (near) to 1 (far).

Infinite Projections:
zFar can be set to PositiveInfinity to create an infinite projection where the far clip plane is at infinity.

See Also