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DigitalRuneDigitalRune.Storages Namespace
The DigitalRune.Storages namespace contains storage providers for accessing files from file system, ZIP archives, virtual file systems, etc.
Public classFileSystemStorage
Provides access to the file system of the operating system. (Not supported on these platforms: Windows Phone, Windows Store, Xbox 360)
Public classPath
A portable replacement of System.IO.Path.
Public classStorage
Implements base functionality for storage providers.
Public classStorageContentManager
Extends the XNA ContentManager and loads assets from any IStorage location.
Public classTitleStorage
Provides access to the title's default storage location. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVfsMountInfo
Defines a point where a storage is mounted into a virtual file system.
Public classVfsMountInfoCollection
Manages the storages that are mounted into a virtual file system.
Public classVfsStorage
Provides a virtual file system that maps existing storages into a virtual directory hierarchy.
Public classZipStorage
Provides access to the files stored in a ZIP archive.
Public interfaceIStorage
Provides access to files.
Public interfaceIStorageProvider
Provides access to a IStorage.