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DigitalRuneMatrix44DDecompose Method (Vector3D, Matrix33D, Vector3D)
Decomposes the matrix into the scale, translation, and rotation components.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Mathematics.Algebra
Assembly: DigitalRune.Mathematics (in DigitalRune.Mathematics.dll) Version: (
public bool Decompose(
	out Vector3D scale,
	out Matrix33D rotation,
	out Vector3D translation


Type: DigitalRune.Mathematics.AlgebraVector3D
The scale component of the matrix.
Type: DigitalRune.Mathematics.AlgebraMatrix33D
The rotation component of the matrix.
Type: DigitalRune.Mathematics.AlgebraVector3D
The translation component of the matrix.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
if the matrix was successfully decomposed; otherwise, .

This method assumes that the matrix is a 3D scale/rotation/translation (SRT) matrix. Decompose(Vector3D, Matrix33D, Vector3D) returns when the matrix is not a valid SRT matrix. This is the case when two or more of the scale values are 0 or the last row of the matrix is something other than (0, 0, 0, 1).

DecomposeFast(Vector3D, Matrix33D, Vector3D) is a faster version of this method that can be used when it is certain that the matrix is a valid SRT matrix.

The following example shows how to compose the matrix scale, rotation, and translation components.
Matrix33D sr = rotation * Matrix33D.CreateScale(scale);
Matrix44D srt = new Matrix44D(sr, translation);
See Also