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DigitalRuneVector3FLinearSegment3Effector Properties

The Vector3FLinearSegment3Effector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ParticleEffector is enabled.
(Inherited from ParticleEffector.)
Public propertyInputParameter
Gets or sets the name of the parameter that is multiplied with the value of the piecewise linear function. (A varying or uniform parameter of type Vector3F.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this particle effector.
(Inherited from ParticleEffector.)
Public propertyOutputParameter
Gets or sets the name of the parameter that stores the result. (A varying or uniform parameter of type Vector3F.)
Public propertyParticleSystem
Gets or sets the particle system.
(Inherited from ParticleEffector.)
Public propertyTime0
Gets or sets the time of the first data point.
Public propertyTime1
Gets or sets the time of the second data point.
Public propertyTime2
Gets or sets the time of the third data point.
Public propertyTime3
Gets or sets the time of the last data point.
Public propertyTimeParameter
Gets or sets the name of the parameter that is the input for the piecewise linear function. (A varying or uniform parameter of type Single.)
Public propertyValue0
Gets or sets the value of the first data point.
Public propertyValue1
Gets or sets the value of the second data point.
Public propertyValue2
Gets or sets the value of the third data point.
Public propertyValue3
Gets or sets the value of the last data point.
See Also