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DigitalRuneOcclusionCullingStatistics Properties

The OcclusionCullingStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyObjectsCulled
Gets the number of objects that were occluded in the last query.
Public propertyObjectsTotal
Gets the total number of objects that were tested in the last query.
Public propertyObjectsVisible
Gets the number of objects that were visible in the last query.
Public propertyOccluders
Gets the number of occluders.
Public propertyShadowCastersCulled
Gets the number of shadow casters that were culled in the last query.
Public propertyShadowCastersTotal
Gets the total number of shadow casters that were tested in the last query.
Public propertyShadowCastersVisible
Gets the total number of shadow casters that were visible in the last query.
See Also