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DigitalRuneIParticleParameterT Interface
Represents a named, typed parameter of a particle, like "Color" or "Position".

Namespace: DigitalRune.Particles
Assembly: DigitalRune.Particles (in DigitalRune.Particles.dll) Version: (
public interface IParticleParameter<T> : IParticleParameter, 

Type Parameters

The type of the particle parameter.

The IParticleParameterT type exposes the following members.

Extension Methods
Public propertyDefaultValue
Gets or sets the default value.
Public propertyIsUniform
Gets a value indicating whether this particle parameter is a uniform parameter or a varying parameter.
(Inherited from IParticleParameter.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name.
(Inherited from INamedObject.)
Public propertyValues
Gets the particle parameter array that contains one value per particle.

Particles have several parameters, like "Color", "Position", "Mass", etc. All particle parameters must implement IParticleParameter. The name of a parameter (see property Name) must be unique within a particle system. See ParticleParameterNames for standard parameter names.

Uniform vs. Varying Particle Parameters: A particle parameter has a default value (see DefaultValue) and an optional array of values (see Values). If Values is , the DefaultValue applies to all particles. This kind of particle parameter is called a "uniform" parameter. If Values is not , each particle has its own individual value. This kind of particle parameter is called a "varying" parameter.

Particle effectors or renderers should not store a direct reference to the Values array because the particle system can replace the array. Instead, effectors or renderers should only store references to the IParticleParameterT and use the property Values to retrieve the array when needed.

See Also