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DigitalRuneMathHelper Class
Provides useful mathematical algorithms and functions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DigitalRune.Mathematics
Assembly: DigitalRune.Mathematics (in DigitalRune.Mathematics.dll) Version: (
public static class MathHelper

The MathHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBinomialCoefficient
Computes the binomial coefficient of (n, k), also read as "n choose k".
Public methodStatic memberBitmask
Creates the smallest bitmask that is greater than or equal to the given value.
Public methodStatic memberClampT
Clamps the specified value.
Public methodStatic memberFrac(Double)
Calculates the fractional part of a specified double-precision floating-point number.
Public methodStatic memberFrac(Single)
Calculates the fractional part of a specified single-precision floating-point number.
Public methodStatic memberGaussian(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Computes the Gaussian function y = k * e^( -(x-μ)2/(2σ2) (double-precision).
Public methodStatic memberGaussian(Single, Single, Single, Single)
Computes the Gaussian function y = k * e^( -(x-μ)2/(2σ2) (single precision).
Public methodStatic memberHypotenuse(Double, Double)
Computes Sqrt(a*a + b*b) without underflow/overflow (double-precision).
Public methodStatic memberHypotenuse(Single, Single)
Computes Sqrt(a*a + b*b) without underflow/overflow (single-precision).
Public methodStatic memberIsPowerOf2
Determines whether the specified value is a power of two.
Public methodStatic memberLog2GreaterOrEqual
Returns the smallest non-negative integer x such that 2xvalue.
Public methodStatic memberLog2LessOrEqual
Returns the largest non-negative integer x such that 2xvalue.
Public methodStatic memberNextPowerOf2
Returns the smallest power of two that is greater than the given value.
Public methodStatic memberSwapT
Swaps the content of two variables.
Public methodStatic memberToDegrees(Double)
Converts an angle value from radians to degrees (double-precision).
Public methodStatic memberToDegrees(Single)
Converts an angle value from radians to degrees (single-precision).
Public methodStatic memberToRadians(Double)
Converts an angle value from degrees to radians (double-precision).
Public methodStatic memberToRadians(Single)
Converts an angle value from degrees to radians (single-precision).
See Also