![]() | DirectXTex Texconv |
Microsoft(R) DirectX 11 Texture Converter (DirectXTex version). Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
The DirectXTex command-line tool texconv can be used prepare images for runtime use. It supports resizing, format conversion, mipmap generation, block-compression.
To create cubemaps, volume maps, or texture arrays from individual files, use Texassemble.
This topic contains the following sections:
texconv [-w <width>] [-h <height>] [-m <miplevels>] [-f <format>] [-if <filter>] [-srgb | -srgbi | -srgbo] [-px <prefix>] [-sx <suffix>] [-o <directory>] [-ft <filetype>] [-hflip] [-vflip] [-sepalpha] [-wrap | -mirror] [-pmalpha] [-fl <featurelevel>] [-pow2] [-tu | -tf] [-dword] [-xlum] [-dx10] [-nologo] [-singleproc] [-nogpu] [-bcuniform] [-bcdither] [-bcmax] [-aw <alphaweight>] [-nmap <options>] [-nmapamp <weight>] [-timing] <files>
The following arguments can be specified on the command-line:
Argument | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
files | The image files that should be assembled into the DDS file. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-w width | The width of the output texture in pixels. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-h height | The height of the output texture in pixels. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-m miplevels | The number of mipmap levels to generate. The default value is 0: By default, a full mipmap chain is generated. However, if the input image already has more than one mipmap levels, the same number will be generated for the output image. This setting only applies to DDS output files! | ||||||||||||||||||||
-f format | The texture format of the output texture. If no format is given, the format of the first image file is used. Allowed values are all DXGI formats (without the "DXGI_FORMAT_" prefix). Example: -f R10G10B10A2_UNORM | ||||||||||||||||||||
-if filter | The image filter used for resizing. Allowed values: POINT, LINEAR, CUBIC, FANT, BOX, TRIANGLE, POINT_DITHER, LINEAR_DITHER, CUBIC_DITHER, FANT_DITHER, BOX_DITHER, TRIANGLE_DITHER, POINT_DITHER_DIFFUSION, LINEAR_DITHER_DIFFUSION, CUBIC_DITHER_DIFFUSION, FANT_DITHER_DIFFUSION, BOX_DITHER_DIFFUSION, TRIANGLE_DITHER_DIFFUSION Filters with DITHER in their name indicate that the 4x4 ordered dither algorithm, while "DITHER_DIFFUSION" is error diffusion dithering. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-srgbi, -srgbo, -srgb | Defines whether the input image (-srgbi), the output image (-srgbo) or both (-srgb) use sRGB color format (gamma 2.2). | ||||||||||||||||||||
-px prefix | The text that is attached to the front of the output file name. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-sx suffix | The text that is attached to the end of the output file name. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-o directory | The output directory. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-ft filetype | The type of the output file. Allowed values are: BMP, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DDS, TGA, TIF, TIFF, WDP, HDP The default value is DDS. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-hflip | Flip image horizontally. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-vflip | Flip image vertically. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-sepalpha | Resize/generate mipmap levels for alpha channel separately from color channels. This implies an alpha mode setting of DDS_ALPHA_MODE_CUSTOM as this is typically only used if the alpha channel doesn't contain transparency information. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-wrap, -mirror | Sets the texture addressing mode for filtering to WRAP or MIRROR. The default value is CLAMP. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-pmalpha | Convert final texture to premultiplied alpha. This sets an alpha mode of DDS_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED unless the entire alpha channel is fully opaque. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-fl featurelevel | Sets the target feature level which determines the maximum supported texture size. Allowed values are: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.0, 10.1, 11.0, 11.1, 12.0, 12.1 The default value is "11.0" which indicates a maximum texture size of 16834. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-pow2 | Fit each texture to a power-of-2 for width and height, minimizing changes to the aspect ratio. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-tf, -tu | Defines whether TYPELESS format is treated as FLOAT or UNORM. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-dword | Use DWORD instead of BYTE alignment. Only relevant for legacy DDS files. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-xlum | Expand legacy L8, L16, A8L8 and A8P8 formats to 8:8:8:8 or 16:16:16:16 format. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-dx10 | Force DDS file output to always use the "DX10" header extension. The resulting file may not be compatible with the legacy D3DX10 or D3DX11 libraries. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-nologo | Suppress copyright message. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-singleproc | Disable multi-threaded compression. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-nogpu | Disable DirectCompute-based codecs. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-bcuniform | Use uniform rather than perceptual weighting for BC1-3. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-bcdither | Use dithering for BC1-3. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-bcmax | Use exchaustive compression (BC7 only). | ||||||||||||||||||||
-aw alphaweight | The BC7 GPU compressor weighting for alpha error metric. The default value is 1.0. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-nmap options | Convert height map to normal map. Allowed values are:
| ||||||||||||||||||||
-nmapamp weight | The normal map amplitude. The default value is 1.0. | ||||||||||||||||||||
-timing | Display elapsed processing time. |
Resize an image to a power of 2 in each dimension, generate all mipmap levels and store the result as a DDS file with BC1 (DXT1) block compression:
texconv -pow2 -f BC1_UNORM cat.jpg