![]() | The Service Provider Pattern for Games |
The service provider pattern is one of my favorite patterns: It creates clean, slick code when used right - but when used in the wrong places it creates libraries that are hard to use, difficult to understand and a nightmare to maintain. In this article we examine the service provider pattern, related concepts, like global variables, services, managers, service providers, contexts and how they can be used in games.
This topic contains the following sections:
The problem is simple:
I have a piece of code. The code depends on data and functions outside of my own code. How can my code access the external dependencies?
Let's work with this practical example:
I am coding a "Camera" class. The camera can be moved with the WASD keys on the keyboard - therefore, we need access to the keyboard to test if the WASD keys are pressed. The camera should move with a constant velocity. If the game uses a variable time step for each frame, then we need to know the size of the time step for the current frame. With this information, we can scale the movement in each frame.
In short:
Our Camera code depends on external data (time step size) and on an external function that checks if a keyboard key is pressed. How does the Camera code access the external data and functions?
The simplest solutions is to use global variables and global methods:
public class Game { // Size of the current time step aka "elapsed time". public static float DeltaTime; ... } public class InputManager { // Checks if a key is pressed. public static bool IsKeyDown(Keys key) { … } ... }
Everything that our Camera code needs is public and readily available. - This solution is simple, but has its drawbacks. For example:
In XNA a similar solution is used for device input classes in XNA (e.g. the Keyboard class). But the solution looks very clumsy for the global DeltaTime variable. Let's look for alternatives.
We can also pass the required dependencies as parameters to the Camera when it is updated:
public class Camera : GameComponent { public void Update(float deltaTime, InputManager input) { ... } ... }
This looks natural for the time parameter, and in XNA this pattern is used to pass the time to GameComponents.
And what if other game components need more functionality? Should we add more and more parameters? - Instead, we can group all stuff into one object and call it a Context:
public class UpdateContext { public float DeltaTime; public bool IsGameActive; public InputManager Input; public SpriteBatch SpriteBatch; ... } public class Camera : GameComponent { public void Update(UpdateContext context) { ... } ... }
This has the advantage that the method has only a single parameter. The disadvantage is that the context must be extended whenever a game component needs a new piece of data or a new functions. And we have to modify the GameComponent base class. If we want to use the XNA GameComponent class or any other third party framework, we cannot change the signature of the Update method.
But even if we use a third party GameComponent base class, we can add a property very easily:
public class Camera : GameComponent { public UpdateContext UpdateContext { get; set;} public void Update() { ... } ... }
This solves the problem, but seems more like workaround. For the user of the camera game component, it is not obvious that the UpdateContext must be set before each Update call. It is also not obvious that the UpdateContext is only used by the Update method (and no other Camera method). Such an API demands a lot of explanation.
Properties are better used for obvious tasks and dependencies. For example, the XNA GameComponent class has a reference to the Game class that is set in the constructor:
public class GameComponent { public Game Game { get; } public GameComponent(Game game) { ... } ... }
This is a good use for a local property. It makes the data and functionality of the Game class available for all GameComponents. And the Game is essential for the whole GameComponent class (not just the Update method).
A pattern that solves several problems mentioned above is the service provider pattern - also called service locator pattern. The .NET Framework provides the interface IServiceProvider to support this pattern:
public interface IServiceProvider { object GetService(Type serviceType); }
A service provider is basically a dictionary or a registry that manages a set of objects that provide certain services. A good naming convention is to call the interface of a service IXyzService. Most of the time, the class that implements the interface is called XyzManager. For example:
public interface IInputService { bool IsKeyDown(Keys key); ... } public class InputManager : IInputService { public bool IsKeyDown(Keys key); public void Update(); ... }
The service interface defines the data and functions that are available to the game components. The manager class defines additional members, like properties to configure the manager or the Update method. The module that creates the InputManager (usually the Game class) is responsible for configuring the manager and for calling Update once per frame. In this method the manager can do its work - if there is any. Such members are excluded from the IInputService interface because the interface shows only the member that are relevant for the clients of the service.
We can put the service provider into a global variable, e.g.
public class Game { public static IServiceProvider Services { get; } }
Then the camera can use it like this:
public class Camera : GameComponent { public void Update() { var gameTimeService = (IGameTimeService)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IGameTimeService); float deltaTime = gameTimeService.DeltaTime; var inputService = (IInputService)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IInputService)); if (inputService.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) ... } }
We do not have to bloat the GameComponent with properties or parameters for all possible services. And the dependencies are not hard-coded: The InputService could be a DefaultInputManager that checks the normal keyboard. It could be a PlaybackInputManager that plays back recorded key events. Or another InputManager that reads input from and on-screen keyboard - our Camera class does not care.
The service provider pattern belongs to the Inversion of Control (IoC) patterns. Dependency injection is another IoC pattern. You can read more about that in Martin Fowler's article: http://martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html
Here is a list of dependency injection frameworks for .NET: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ListOfNETDependencyInjectionContainersIOC.aspx
Dependency injection has its uses, and we use it too in some of our applications. But I must admit that I am not a big fan of this pattern and will not go into more details in this article.
Which pattern should be used in a game? - All of them! And I mean it. We have a game framework including game editor components where every pattern discussed above is used (even dependency injection). Each pattern has its place. And here are a few rules that have served us well in the last years:
Avoid global variables.
In most games, there should
be only one global variable, and this is the variable that contains the service
Use local properties for obvious relationships.
For example, in our Game UI library each UI control has a property
This demonstrates tight coupling: The
UIControl can only belong to exactly one UIService.
Use the context parameter pattern in object hierarchies.
For example, controls in our Game UI library are organized in a tree. Each control has
the method UIControl.HandleInput(InputContext inputContext).
The advantage of the context pattern is that each control can modify the
InputContext before it calls HandleInput on its child controls. In our library, each
control can be scaled, rotated and translated and the InputContext is always modified
such that it contains the MousePosition in the local coordinate space of the control.
In other words: IInputService.MousePosition contains the mouse position in screen
coordinates. InputContext.MousePosition contains the mouse position relative to the
unscaled, unrotated, untranslated control.
Use the service provider pattern for game logic and loosely coupled objects.
A game object needs many sub-systems (input, audio, physics, network, graphics, GUI,
diagnostics, storage, configuration, etc.) that can be exposed as services. But not
each game object needs all of them at once. On the game logic level flexibility is
important. It is should also be expected that some services are missing.
Example: A NetworkedCamera can be used to control the camera and sync it over the
network. But even if the INetworkService is missing, the game object can still provide
useful game logic for single-player games.
Very important:
Do not use the service provider pattern for tightly coupled, specialized
Sub-systems are usually in a separate library and usability and maintainability are
important. Dependencies should be visible in the API.
For example, controls in our UI library need the IInputService - a button cannot be
clicked without an input device. Missing services should create a compiler error. In
our case, the UIManager needs an InputService as parameter in its constructor:
_uiManager = new UIManager(this, _inputManager);
If this parameter is missing, the code will not compile. Instead if we use the service provider pattern here, the code would compile and a ServiceNotFoundException would be thrown at run-time.
Do not use the service provider pattern in performance critical code paths.
It is great for game logic but not ok for an inner loop of the physics engine.
In most applications it is ok to have one global variable that contains the service provider. In some cases, not all code modules should have access to all services.
Example: A text editor can be extended with plug-ins. The plug-ins can have access to the IPrintService and the IDocumentService. But, maybe, for security and stability reasons the plug-ins should not have access to the IConfigurationService.
→ Use several service providers and make them available using one of the other patterns, e.g. pass them around as part of a context.
Contexts and service providers are orthogonal patterns.
Most of the time, services provide functionality and context parameters provide data.
Be careful:
The service provider pattern is a system of global variables
in disguise.
However, it gives a better structure and is more maintainable.
The service provider pattern is very powerful, but must be used with care.