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DigitalRuneSceneHelper Class
Provides helper methods for working with a scene graph and SceneNodes.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DigitalRune.Graphics.SceneGraph
Assembly: DigitalRune.Graphics (in DigitalRune.Graphics.dll) Version: (
public static class SceneHelper

The SceneHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClearLastPose
Clears the LastPoseWorld property of the current scene node (and its descendants).
Public methodStatic memberClearLastScale
Clears the LastScaleWorld property of the current scene node (and its descendants).
Public methodStatic memberContains
Determines whether whether a scene node contains another scene node in its subtree.
Public methodStatic memberGetAncestors
Gets the ancestors of the given scene node.
Public methodStatic memberGetChildren
Gets the children of the given scene node.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescendants(SceneNode)
Gets the descendants of the given scene node using a depth-first search.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescendants(SceneNode, Boolean)
Gets the descendants of the given scene node using a depth-first or a breadth-first search.
Public methodStatic memberGetLeaves
Gets the leaves of the scene node.
Public methodStatic memberGetRoot
Gets the root node.
Public methodStatic memberGetSceneNode
Gets a scene node by name from the subtree of the specified scene node.
Public methodStatic memberGetSelfAndAncestors
Gets the scene node and its ancestors scene.
Public methodStatic memberGetSubtree(SceneNode)
Gets the subtree (the given scene node and all of its descendants) using a depth-first search.
Public methodStatic memberGetSubtree(SceneNode, Boolean)
Gets the subtree (the given scene node and all of its descendants) using a depth-first or a breadth-first search.
Public methodStatic memberGetSubtreeAabb
Gets the AABB of the current subtree.
Public methodStatic memberLookAt(SceneNode, Vector3F, Vector3F)
Rotates the scene node so that it faces a certain direction (in world space).
Public methodStatic memberLookAt(SceneNode, Vector3F, Vector3F, Vector3F)
Moves and rotates the scene node so that it faces a certain direction (in world space).
Public methodStatic memberSetInstanceAlpha
Sets the opacity (alpha) of a scene node - see remarks.
Public methodStatic memberSetLastPose
Sets LastPoseWorld to the current PoseWorld.
Public methodStatic memberSetLastScale
Sets LastScaleWorld to the current ScaleWorld.
Public methodStatic memberSupportsInstanceAlpha
Determines whether the opacity of the scene node can be changed using SetInstanceAlpha(SceneNode, Single).
See Also