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DigitalRuneDigitalRune.Game.Timing Namespace
The DigitalRune.Game.Timing namespace contains clocks and timers for and interactive applications and games.
Public classFixedStepTimer
Controls the timing of a game or game component using fixed-sized time steps.
Public classGameClockEventArgs
Provides arguments for a game clock's TimeChanged event.
Public classGameTimerEventArgs
Provides arguments for a game timer's TimeChanged event.
Public classHighPrecisionClock
Accurately measures the time by using the system's performance counter. (Not available in Silverlight.)
Public classManualClock
A simple game clock that needs to be updated manually.
Public classVariableStepTimer
Controls the timing of a game or game component using variable time steps.
Public interfaceIGameClock
Measures time and raises an event when time changes.
Public interfaceIGameTimer
Controls the timing of a game or a game component.