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DigitalRuneLensFlareOnGetSizeAndIntensity Method
Called when the size and intensity of a lens flare is determined.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Graphics
Assembly: DigitalRune.Graphics (in DigitalRune.Graphics.dll) Version: (
protected virtual void OnGetSizeAndIntensity(
	LensFlareNode node,
	RenderContext context,
	int visiblePixels,
	int totalPixels,
	out float size,
	out float intensity


Type: DigitalRune.Graphics.SceneGraphLensFlareNode
The lens flare node.
Type: DigitalRune.GraphicsRenderContext
The render context.
Type: SystemInt32
The number of visible pixels as determined by the last hardware occlusion query. (Not available in Reach profile.)
Type: SystemInt32
The total number of pixels tested in the hardware occlusion query. (Not available in Reach profile.)
Type: SystemSingle
Out: The actual size of the lens flare in relative to the viewport.
Type: SystemSingle
Out: The actual intensity of the lens flare.
Notes to Inheritors:
This method can be overridden in derived types to adjust the size and intensity of the lens flare. The base implementation creates a lens flare with constant size. The intensity depends on the number of visible pixels and the fog.
protected virtual void OnGetSizeAndIntensity(LensFlareNode node, RenderContext context, int visiblePixels, int totalPixels, out float size, out float intensity)
  // Constant size.
  var size = Size;

  intensity = node.Intensity * Intensity;

  // Intensity depends on the number of visible (unoccluded) pixels.
  if (context.GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice.GraphicsProfile == GraphicsProfile.HiDef)
    intensity *= (float)visiblePixels / totalPixels;

  // Fog decreases the intensity.
  var scene = context.Scene;
  var cameraNode = context.CameraNode;
  if (scene != null && cameraNode != null)
    var query = scene.Query<FogQuery>(cameraNode);
    foreach (var fogNode in query.FogNodes)
      var flarePosition = IsDirectional   // For directional flares, choose a position "far" away.
                        ? cameraNode.PoseWorld.Position + node.PoseWorld.Orientation.GetColumn(2) * cameraNode.Camera.Projection.Far
                        : node.PoseWorld.Position;
      intensity *= (1 - fogNode.Fog.GetIntensity(fogNode, cameraNode, flarePosition));
See Also