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DigitalRuneDigitalRune.Graphics Namespace
The DigitalRune.Graphics namespace provides types for rendering 3D graphics.
Public classAmbientLight
Represents an ambient light (indirect light).
Public classBasicCloudMap Obsolete.
Provides a user-defined cloud texture.
Public classBillboard
Represents an oriented, textured quad used for drawing impostors, particles, text, and other effects.
Public classCamera
Represents a camera that defines a view into the 3D scene.
Public classCascadedShadow
Defines a cascaded shadow that can be used for DirectionalLights.
Public classCloudMap
Provides a cloud texture.
Public classCloudMapLayer
Defines a layer of a CloudMap.
Public classColorEncoding
Defines how a color value is encoded in a texel of a texture.
Public classCompositeFigure
Represents a figure that is composed of several figures.
Public classCompositeShadow
Defines a shadow which combines several other Shadows.
Public classCubeMapShadow
Defines an omnidirectional cube map shadow that can be used for PointLights.
Public classDelegateGraphicsScreen
A GraphicsScreen that calls user-defined methods to update and render the screen.
Public classDirectionalLight
Represents a directional light.
Public classEllipseFigure
Represents an ellipse in the xy plane.
Public classEphemeris
Computes the physically-based properties of sky objects like the sun and the moon.
Public classFigure
Represents a drawing composed of lines and 2D shapes.
Public classFigureCollection
Manages a collection of child figures.
Public classFigureDataCollectionT
Manages a collection of items owned by a Figure.
Public classFog
Represents fog.
Public classGraphicsException
The exception that is raised when an error occurs in DigitalRune Graphics.
Public classGraphicsHelper
Provides helper methods for graphics-related tasks.
Public classGraphicsManager
Manages graphics-related objects, like graphics screens and presentation targets, and graphics resources.
Public classGraphicsScreen
Provides the base class for graphics screens, which implement the rendering pipeline and draw game content.
Public classGraphicsScreenCollection
Manages a collection of GraphicsScreens.
Public classImageBasedLight
Represents a light which uses an environment cube map to add diffuse lighting and specular lighting (reflections).
Public classImageBillboard
Represents an oriented, textured quad used for drawing impostors, particles, and other effects.
Public classImageSprite
Represents a 2D bitmap rendered in screen space.
Public classLayeredCloudMap
Provides a cloud texture which is generated at runtime.
Public classLensFlare
Defines a lens flare effect.
Public classLensFlareElement
Defines an element of a lens flare.
Public classLensFlareElementCollection
Manages a collection of lens flare elements.
Public classLight
Defines the properties of a light source.
Public classLogLuvEncoding
Represents LogLuv encoding of color values.
Public classMaterial
Defines the material (visual properties) of a mesh.
Public classMaterialCollection
Manages a collection of materials.
Public classMesh
Represents a mesh of a 3D model.
Public classMeshHelper
Provides helper methods for Meshes, Submeshes and Materials.
Public classMorphTarget
Defines a morph target (blend shape) of a submesh.
Public classMorphTargetCollection
Manages a collection of morph targets.
Public classMorphWeightCollection
Defines the weights for a set of morph targets.
Public classNoiseHelper
Contains helper method for the Noise shaders.
Public classOccluder
Defines an occluder represented as an indexed triangle mesh.
Public classOceanWaves
Represents ocean waves computed using Fast Fourier Transformation and a statistical wave spectrum.
Public classOrthographicProjection
Defines an orthographic projection.
Public classPackedTexture
Defines a texture which has been packed into a texture atlas.
Public classPathFigure2F
Represents a 2D figure composed of lines and curves.
Public classPathFigure3F
Represents a 3D figure composed of lines and curves.
Public classPathSegment2FCollection
Manages a collection of 2D path segments.
Public classPathSegment3FCollection
Manages a collection of 3D path segments.
Public classPerspectiveProjection
Defines a perspective projection.
Public classPointLight
Represents a point light.
Public classProjection
Defines a projection transformation (including its bounding shape).
Public classProjectorLight
Represents a light that projects a texture.
Public classRectangleFigure
Represents a rectangle in the xy plane.
Public classRenderContext
Provides information about the current render states.
Public classRenderContextKeys
Provides common names for render context data (see property Data of RenderContext).
Public classRenderTargetPool
Manages a pool of reusable render targets.
Public classRenderToTexture
Represents a 2D texture or cube map that was created using render-to-texture functionality.
Public classRgbeEncoding
Represents RGBE encoding of color values.
Public classRgbEncoding
Represents the default encoding of color values.
Public classRgbmEncoding
Represents RGBM encoding of color values.
Public classShadow
Defines the shadow of a specific LightNode.
Public classShadowCollection
Manages a collection of Shadows.
Public classSpotlight
Represents a spotlight.
Public classSprite
Represents a 2D image rendered in screen space.
Public classSRgbEncoding
Represents sRGB encoding of color values.
Public classStandardShadow
Defines a standard shadow that can be used for Spotlights or ProjectorLights.
Public classCode exampleStrokedSegmentTParam, TPoint
Wraps a curve segment and determines whether it is stroked or not.
Public classCode exampleStrokedSegment2F
Wraps a 2D curve segment (single-precision) and determines whether it is stroked or not.
Public classCode exampleStrokedSegment3F
Wraps a 3D curve segment (single-precision) and determines whether it is stroked or not.
Public classSubmesh
Represents a batch of geometry information to submit to the graphics device during rendering.
Public classSubmeshCollection
Represents a collection of Submeshes.
Public classTerrain
Represents a height field based terrain. (Not available on these platforms: Xbox 360, mobile platforms)
Public classTerrainClipmap
Represents a clipmap which stores terrain data.
Public classTerrainDecalLayer
Represents a decal which is rendered onto the terrain.
Public classTerrainHelper
Provides helper methods for terrain rendering.
Public classTerrainLayer
Defines a material layer (detail textures, decals, roads, etc.) of the terrain.
Public classTerrainLayerCollection
Manages the layers of a terrain tile.
Public classTerrainMaterialLayer
Represents a material with tiling textures that are rendered onto the terrain.
Public classTerrainRoadLayer
Represents a road which is rendered onto the terrain.
Public classTerrainRoadPathKey
Defines a PathKey3F for a Path3F which defines a road.
Public classTerrainTile
Defines the geometry (height, normals, holes) and material of a rectangular terrain region.
Public classTerrainTileCollection
Manages the tiles of a terrain.
Public classTextBillboard
Represents a text, which is rendered as billboard.
Public classTextSprite
Represents a 2D text rendered in screen space.
Public classTextureHelper
Provides helper methods for textures.
Public classTransformedFigure
Represents a figure that is scaled, rotated, or translated in 3D space.
Public classUserDefinedCloudMap
Provides a user-defined cloud texture.
Public classUserDefinedWaves
Provides a user-defined displacement and normal texture that define the water surface.
Public classWater
Defines the visual properties of a body of water, e.g. a river, a lake or an ocean.
Public classWaterFlow
Defines the direction and speed of water flow.
Public classWaterWaves
Defines a displacement of the water surface to create waves.
Public structureBillboardOrientation
Defines the orientation of a billboard.
Public structureCieSkyParameters
Defines the parameters of the CIE sky luminance distribution.
Public structureInstanceData
Describes a custom vertex format that contains instance data for hardware instancing.
Public structureMorphWeightCollectionEnumerator
Enumerates the weights of a MorphWeightCollection.
Public structureRenderTargetFormat
Describes the size and format of a texture or a render target.
Public structureStar
Represents a star of a StarfieldNode.
Public structureVertexPosition
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains only the vertex position (no normals, texture coordinates or other vertex data).
Public structureVertexPositionNormal
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and normal vector.
Public structureVertexPositionNormalColor
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal vector and color.
Public structureVertexPositionNormalColorTexture
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal vector, color and texture coordinates.
Public structureVertexTexture
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains only the texture coordinates (no position, normal or other vertex data).
Public interfaceIGraphicsService
Manages graphics-related objects, like graphics screens and presentation targets, and graphics resources.
Public enumerationBillboardNormal
Defines the normal vector of a billboard.
Public enumerationDecalOptions
Defines options for rendering decals.
Public enumerationGraphicsScreenCoverage
Defines whether a GraphicsScreen covers the screens behind it.
Public enumerationParticleType
Defines the type of particles in a particle system.
Public enumerationShadowCascadeSelection
Defines how the cascade of a cascaded shadow map is selected.