![]() | Guidelines for Writing Effects |
This topic explains how to write DirectX Effects that are compatible with DigitalRune Graphics.
In general, it is not necessary to write DirectX Effects (.fx files) in a certain way. Most effects should be usable with DigitalRune Graphics. However, by using certain effect parameter names, semantics, and annotations, the engine can automate many task at runtime.
This topic contains the following sections:
When loading an effect, DigitalRune Graphics checks whether the effect parameter has a certain name or semantic. If it recognizes an effect parameter it will automatically create an effect parameter binding. It is not necessary to update these effect parameters explicitly at runtime. The graphics engine manages them automatically.
For example:
float4x4 w : WORLD; // The world matrix. float4x4 vp : VIEWPROJECTION; // The view-projection matrix. float4x3 Bones[72]; // The skinning matrices. texture LightBuffer0; // The first light buffer (diffuse light). texture LightBuffer1; // The second light buffer (specular light).
These are examples of effect parameter, which are recognized by the graphics engine. The graphics engine checks whether the parameter name or its semantic matches the following pattern:
The graphics engine compares the first part SEMANTIC with the values listed below. (The string comparison is case-insensitive.)
The parameter names or semantic may end with an index n. The index is optional. It is only relevant when the effect parameter may be bound to multiple values. For example, consider a material shader that supports up to 4 point lights. The parameters storing the point light positions can be declared as:
float3 lightPos0 : POINTLIGHTPOSITION0; float3 lightPos1 : POINTLIGHTPOSITION1; float3 lightPos2 : POINTLIGHTPOSITION2; float3 lightPos3 : POINTLIGHTPOSITION3;
Alternatively, the point light positions can be declared as:
float3 lightPos[4] : POINTLIGHTPOSITION;
In either case, the graphics engine will recognize the effect parameters and create effect parameter bindings. At runtime, whenever an object is rendered using this shader, the graphics engine will fetch the four point lights closest to the object, determine their positions and automatically set the effect parameters in the shader.
DigitalRune Graphics supports the following semantics (the semantics can also be found in the classes DefaultEffectParameterSemantics, SceneEffectParameterSemantics and TerrainEffectParameterSemantics):
Semantic | Types | Description |
BONES | float4x3[] | The skinning matrices for mesh skinning. |
Semantic | Types | Description |
CAMERADIRECTION | float3 or float4 | The camera direction in world space. |
CAMERAPOSITION | float3 or float4 | The camera position in world space. |
LASTCAMERADIRECTION | float3 or float4 | The camera direction of the last frame in world space. |
LASTCAMERAPOSITION | float3 or float4 | The camera position of the last frame in world space. |
CAMERANEAR | float | The distance of the camera near plane. |
CAMERAFAR | float | The distance of the camera far plane. |
LODCAMERAPOSITION | float3 | The position of the camera used as reference for LOD calculations |
Semantic | Types | Description |
AMBIENTLIGHT | float3 or float4 | The intensity of an ambient light. |
AMBIENTLIGHTATTENUATION | float | The hemispheric attenuation factor of the ambient light. (0 = pure ambient, no hemispheric lighting; 1 = one-sided hemispheric lighting) |
AMBIENTLIGHTUP | float3 | The up vector of the ambient light in world space. (Required for hemispheric attenuation.) |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTDIFFUSE | float3 or float4 | The diffuse intensity of a directional light. |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTSPECULAR | float3 or float4 | The specular intensity of a directional light. |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTDIRECTION | float3 or float4 | The light direction in world space. |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTTEXTURE | Texture2D | The texture of a directional light. |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTTEXTUREOFFSET | float2 | The texture offset of a directional light. |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTTEXTURESCALE | float2 | The texture scale of a directional light. |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTTEXTUREMATRIX | float4x4 | The texture matrix of a directional light which converts positions from world space to the texture space of the light. |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTSHADOWMAP | Texture2D | The shadow map of a directional light. |
DIRECTIONALLIGHTSHADOWPARAMETERS | * | The shadow parameters of a directional light shadow. * The supported types are struct ShadowParameters as defined in ShadowMap.fxh or or struct CascadedShadowParameters as defined in CascadedShadowMap.fxh. |
ENVIRONMENTMAP | TextureCube | The cube map texture containing the environment. |
ENVIRONMENTMAPSIZE | float | The side length of one cube map face of the environment map in texels. |
ENVIRONMENTMAPDIFFUSE | float3 or float4 | The intensity of diffuse environment map reflections. |
ENVIRONMENTMAPSPECULAR | float3 or float4 | The intensity of specular environment map reflections. |
ENVIRONMENTMAPRGBMMAX | float | The max value (see also RgbmEncodingMax) of the RGBM encoding. If the environment map is encoded using sRGB, this value is 1. |
ENVIRONMENTMAPMATRIX | float4x4 | The texture matrix of the environment map which converts positions from world space to the texture space of the cube map. |
POINTLIGHTDIFFUSE | float3 or float4 | The diffuse intensity of a point light. |
POINTLIGHTSPECULAR | float3 or float4 | The specular intensity of a point light. |
POINTLIGHTPOSITION | float3 or float4 | The position of a point light in world space. |
POINTLIGHTRANGE | float | The range of a point light. |
POINTLIGHTATTENUATION | float | The attenuation exponent of a point light. |
POINTLIGHTTEXTURE | TextureCube | The texture of a point light. |
POINTLIGHTTEXTUREMATRIX | float3x3 or float4x4 | The texture matrix of a point light which converts directions from world space to the texture space of the light. |
PROJECTORLIGHTDIFFUSE | float3 or float4 | The diffuse intensity of a projector light. |
PROJECTORLIGHTSPECULAR | float3 or float4 | The specular intensity of a projector light. |
PROJECTORLIGHTPOSITION | float3 or float4 | The position of a projector light in world space. |
PROJECTORLIGHTDIRECTION | float3 or float4 | The direction of a projector light in world space. |
PROJECTORLIGHTRANGE | float | The range of a projector light. |
PROJECTORLIGHTATTENUATION | float | The attenuation exponent of a projector light. |
PROJECTORLIGHTTEXTURE | Texture2D | The texture that is projected by the projector light. |
PROJECTORLIGHTVIEWPROJECTION | float4x4 | The view-projection matrix of the projector light. |
PROJECTORLIGHTTEXTUREMATRIX | float4x4 | The texture matrix of a projector light which converts positions from world space to the texture space of the light. |
SPOTLIGHTDIFFUSE | float3 or float4 | The diffuse intensity of a spotlight. |
SPOTLIGHTSPECULAR | float3 or float4 | The specular intensity of a spotlight. |
SPOTLIGHTPOSITION | float3 or float4 | The position of a spotlight in world space. |
SPOTLIGHTDIRECTION | float3 or float4 | The direction of a spotlight in world space. |
SPOTLIGHTRANGE | float | The range of a spotlight. |
SPOTLIGHTFALLOFFANGLE | float | The falloff (umbra) angle of the spotlight in radians. |
SPOTLIGHTCUTOFFANGLE | float | The cutoff (penumbra) angle of the spotlight in radians. |
SPOTLIGHTATTENUATION | float | The attenuation exponent of a spotlight. |
SPOTLIGHTTEXTURE | Texture2D | The texture of a spotlight. |
SPOTLIGHTTEXTUREMATRIX | float4x4 | The texture matrix of a spotlight which converts positions from world space to the texture space of the light. |
Semantic | Types | Description |
DIFFUSECOLOR | float3 or float4 | The diffuse material color. |
DIFFUSETEXTURE | Texture2D | The diffuse (albedo) texture. |
SPECULARCOLOR | float3 or float4 | The specular material color. |
SPECULARTEXTURE | Texture2D | The gloss texture containing the specular intensity (not specular power). |
SPECULARPOWER | float or float3 | The material specular color exponent as a single value or per-component. |
EMISSIVECOLOR | float3 or float4 | The emissive material color. |
EMISSIVETEXTURE | Texture2D | The emissive texture. |
OPACITY | float | The opacity (alpha). |
ALPHA | float | The opacity (alpha). |
BLENDMODE | float | The blend mode: 0 = additive blending, 1 = normal alpha-blending. (Other values than 0 and 1 are allowed to create mixed blend modes.) |
REFERENCEALPHA | float | The reference value used for alpha testing. |
NORMALTEXTURE | Texture2D | The normal texture. |
FRESNELPOWER | float | The power of the Fresnel term. |
INSTANCECOLOR | float3 | The instance color as RGB. |
INSTANCEALPHA | float | The instance opacity (alpha). |
Semantic | Types | Description |
POSITION | float3 or float4 | The position of the object in world space. |
WORLD | float4x4 | The world matrix. |
WORLDINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse world matrix. |
WORLDTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the world matrix. |
WORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse world matrix. |
VIEW | float4x4 | The view matrix. |
VIEWINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse view matrix. |
VIEWTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the view matrix. |
VIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse view matrix. |
PROJECTION | float4x4 | The projection matrix. |
PROJECTIONINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse projection matrix. |
PROJECTIONTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the projection matrix. |
PROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse projection matrix. |
WORLDVIEW | float4x4 | The world-view matrix. |
WORLDVIEWINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse world-view matrix. |
WORLDVIEWTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the world-view matrix. |
WORLDVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse world-view matrix. |
VIEWPROJECTION | float4x4 | The view-projection matrix. |
VIEWPROJECTIONINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse view-projection matrix. |
VIEWPROJECTIONTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the view-projection matrix. |
VIEWPROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse view-projection matrix. |
WORLDVIEWPROJECTION | float4x4 | The world-view-projection matrix. |
WORLDVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse world-view-projection matrix. |
WORLDVIEWPROJECTIONTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the world-view-projection matrix. |
WORLDVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse world-view-projection matrix. |
LASTPOSITION | float3 or float4 | The position of the object in world space of the last frame. |
LASTWORLD | float4x4 | The world matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse world matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the world matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse world matrix of the last frame. |
LASTVIEW | float4x4 | The view matrix of the last frame. |
LASTVIEWINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse view matrix of the last frame. |
LASTVIEWTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the view matrix of the last frame. |
LASTVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse view matrix of the last frame. |
LASTPROJECTION | float4x4 | The projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTPROJECTIONINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTPROJECTIONTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTPROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDVIEW | float4x4 | The world-view matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDVIEWINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse world-view matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDVIEWTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the world-view matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse world-view matrix of the last frame. |
LASTVIEWPROJECTION | float4x4 | The view-projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse view-projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTVIEWPROJECTIONTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the view-projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse view-projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDVIEWPROJECTION | float4x4 | The world-view-projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSE | float4x4 | The inverse world-view-projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDVIEWPROJECTIONTRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the world-view-projection matrix of the last frame. |
LASTWORLDVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE | float4x4 | The transpose of the inverse world-view-projection matrix of the last frame. |
UNSCALEDWORLD | float4x4 | Same as WORLD, except that the matrix does not contain any scale factors. |
UNSCALEDWORLDVIEW | float4x4 | Same as WORLDVIEW, except that the matrix does not contain any scale factors. |
Semantic | Types | Description |
DECALALPHA | float | The opacity of the decal. |
DECALNORMALTHRESHOLD | float | The normal threshold of the decal. |
DECALOPTIONS | - | The decal options. |
DECALORIENTATION | float3 | The z-axis of the decal in world space. |
Semantic | Types | Description |
FOGCOLOR | float4 | The fog color. |
FOGSTART | float | The start distance of the fog. |
FOGEND | float | The end distance of the fog. |
FOGDENSITY | float | The density of the fog. |
FOGPARAMETERS | float4 | The combined parameters of the fog; a 4-dimensional vector containing: (start distance, end distance or 1 / density, fog curve exponent, height falloff). |
Semantic | Types | Description |
DEBUG | float4 | A 4-element vector with user-defined data for debugging. The values are set using Debug0 and Debug1. |
ELAPSEDTIME | float | The time since the previous frame in seconds. |
GBUFFER | Texture2D | The G-buffer. |
DITHERMAP | Texture2D | An 8-bit texture (alpha only) with 16x16 dither values. |
JITTERMAP | Texture2D | A quadratic RGBA texture (8 bit per channel) with random values. |
JITTERMAPSIZE | float or float2 | The width of the quadratic JITTERMAP in texels. |
LIGHTBUFFER | Texture2D | The light buffer. |
NAN | float | A float value containing NaN. |
NOISEMAP | Texture2D | A quadratic, tileable RGBA texture (8 bit per channel) with smooth noise values. |
NORMALSFITTINGTEXTURE | Texture2D | The normals fitting texture for encoding "best fit" normals. |
PASSINDEX | int | The zero-based index of the current effect pass. |
SOURCETEXTURE | Texture2D | The source texture, which is usually the last backbuffer or the result of a previous post-processor. |
VIEWPORTSIZE | float2 | The viewport width and height in pixels. |
The class TerrainEffectParameterSemantics defines additional semantics supported by the terrain rendering system.
DigitalRune Graphics partially supports the DirectX Standard Annotations and Semantics (DXSAS) version 0.8.
The following DXSAS 0.8 semantics are supported:
The following DXSAS 0.8 semantics are not (yet) supported:
A sort hint (see enum EffectParameterHint) is a value that indicates when an effect parameter should be updated and how it should be treated during state sorting.
The supported sort hints are:
Hint | Description |
Global | Global effect parameters are identical for all meshes that use the same effect and effect technique. They do not depend on the object that is being rendered or on the location of the object in the scene. Examples of global parameters are: view matrix, projection matrix, camera position, etc. |
Material | This effect parameter defines the material of a mesh. Multiple meshes can share the same material. Material parameters are independent of the location of the object in the scene. Examples of material parameters are: diffuse color, albedo texture, specular color, gloss texture, normal map, etc. |
Local | This effect parameter depends on the location of the mesh in the scene. Multiple meshes which are close to each other in the scene may share the same parameter values. Examples of local parameters are: local environment maps, local lights, etc. |
PerInstance | This effect parameter can be different for each mesh instance. Examples of instance parameters are: world matrix, skinning matrices. |
PerPass | This effect parameter can be different in each effect pass. Examples of per-pass parameters are: pass index. |
The engine automatically sets an appropriate sort hint, if it recognizes an effect parameter name or semantic. But the sort hints can also be set or overridden in the DirectX Effect file using annotations. Examples:
// The following parameter is a global parameter that stores the simulation time. // It only needs to be updated once per frame. float time < string Hint = "Global"; >; // The following parameter is used in a fur effect. The fur density is a material // property. All mesh instances with the same material share the same value. float furDensity < string Hint = "Material"; >; // The following parameter is used in a material shader that paints each mesh // instance with a different color. float4 uniqueColor < string Hint = "PerInstance"; >;
By default, if the graphics engine does not recognize an effect parameter, it assigns the sort hint Material.
DigitalRune Graphics supports hardware instancing. The DirectX Effect used for rendering the objects needs to include two effect techniques:
DigitalRune Graphics uses a naming scheme to identify the instancing technique. The instancing technique needs to have the same name as the default technique plus the postfix "Instancing". Example:
// Technique without hardware instancing technique MyTechnique { pass { VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS(); } } // Equivalent of MyTechnique that supports hardware instancing. technique MyTechniqueInstancing { pass { VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 HardwareInstancingVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS(); } }
You may also designate the instancing technique by adding the effect annotation InstancingTechnique to the default technique.
![]() |
MonoGame currently does not support effect annotations. Therefore, this only works in XNA. |
// Default technique without hardware instancing technique MyTechnique < // There is an equivalent of this technique that supports hardware instancing. string InstancingTechnique = "HardwareInstancing"; > { pass { VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS(); } } // Hardware instancing technique. technique HardwareInstancing { pass { VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 HardwareInstancingVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS(); } }
At runtime, you can query whether an effect technique has a matching instancing technique by checking the property InstancingTechnique.
Effect techniques can have a restore pass. The purpose of this pass is to reset render pipeline states to default values - without rendering geometry.
The restore pass needs to be the last effect pass of a technique and it needs to be named Restore.
technique { pass { ZEnable = false; VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS(); } pass Restore { ZEnable = true; } }