| DigitalRune Graphics |
DigitalRune Graphics is a graphics engine based on the Microsoft
XNA Framework. It is designed and optimized for use in 3D games and simulations.
This topic contains the following sections:
Here is an overview of features in this product.
Low-dynamic range (LDR) and high-dynamic range (HDR) rendering
Linear (Gamma-aware) content and rendering pipeline
Screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO)
Anti-aliasing: MSAA, FXAA, SMAA
Support for Reach and HiDef profile
Interoperability: 3D graphics can be embedded in Windows Forms, Windows
Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps
Content processing
Extends the XNA content pipeline
Static and animated models (skeletal animations incl. animation compression, morph targets)
Reusable material definitions
Texture processing: Color keying, normal map compression (DXT5nm), mipmap correction
for alpha textures
Scene management
Hierarchical scene graph
Static meshes
Animated meshes: skeletal animation, morph target animation
Sprites, billboards, particle effects, lens flare effects
Orthographic and perspective cameras
Various light types: ambient, point lights, directional lights, spotlights, projector lights,
image-based lighting (IBL)
Decal rendering
Different fog types such as distance fog and height fog
Sky rendering supporting skyboxes, user-defined gradient skies,
atmospheric scattering and simulation of natural light, sun, moon with phases,
starfields, cloud layers, and an ephemeris model for correct positions of sky objects
Terrain rendering for large-scale, tile-based terrains, supporting continuous
level of detail, flexible material blending, decals, roads, holes, etc.
Water rendering supporting skybox reflections, planar reflections, refraction, foam,
caustics, underwater effects, user-defined flow, infinite ocean plane, and wave
displacement mapping (including FFT-based ocean waves)
Vegetation rendering with wind animations, translucency, LOD and hardware instancing
Reflections and render-to-texture support
Figure rendering for drawings composed of lines and 2D shapes; supporting
anti-aliased lines, dash patterns, filled shapes and hit testing
Frustum culling, light culling and custom overlap queries
Occlusion culling and shadow caster culling
Level of detail (LOD)
Advanced effect binding system which automatically resolves shaders and shader
parameters at runtime
Various built-in materials supporting diffuse maps, specular maps, normal maps,
opacity masks
Support for XNA stock effects
Extensible with custom effects
Customizable render pipeline which supports forward and deferred rendering
Default: Light pre-pass renderer ("deferred lighting") for opaque geometry and forward rendering for transparent geometry
Various shadow types: filtered shadow maps, omni-directional shadow maps, cascaded shadow maps
Optimized rendering through state sorting and hardware instancing
Billboard renderer supporting soft particles and high-speed, off-screen rendering
Debug rendering
Image processing: Color grading, sharpening, unsharp-masking, saturation, sepia, noise, edge filter
Special effects: Motions blur, depth of field, crepuscular rays ("god rays"), bloom,
dynamic eye adaption, night vision blue-shift ("scotopic vision")
Various blur filters: Gaussian blur, Box blur, Poisson blur, Kawase blur, horizontal blur,
radial blur
Nesting/chaining of post-processing effects
Extensible with custom post-processing effects
Support for Windows Phone
Following namespaces belong to DigitalRune.Graphics: