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DigitalRuneDigitalRune.Graphics.SceneGraph Namespace
The DigitalRune.Graphics.SceneGraph namespace provides types to build hierarchical scene graphs for rendering 3D scenes.
Public classAscendingNodeComparer
Sorts SceneNodes by their SortTag in ascending order.
Public classBillboardNode
Represents a billboard in a 3D scene.
Public classCameraFrustumQuery
Returns the scene nodes that touch a specific reference scene node (usually the CameraNode).
Public classCameraNode
Represents a camera in a scene.
Public classCloudLayerNode
Renders a cloud layer into the distant sky.
Public classDecalNode
Represents a material projected onto another surface.
Public classDescendingNodeComparer
Sorts SceneNodes by their SortTag in descending order.
Public classFigureNode
Represents a drawing composed of lines and shapes rendered with a certain stroke and fill.
Public classFogNode
Represents (global) fog in a scene.
Public classFogQuery
Returns the FogNodes that affect a specific scene node.
Public classGradientSkyNode
Renders the sky using simple color gradients.
Public classGradientTextureSkyNode
Renders the sky using lookup textures which contain color gradients.
Public classLensFlareNode
Represents a lens flare effect in a scene.
Public classLightNode
Represents a light in a scene.
Public classLightQuery
Returns the lights that affect a specific scene node.
Public classLodCollection
Stores the levels of detail (LODs) of an object.
Public classLodGroupNode
Represents a visual object with multiple levels of detail (LODs).
Public classMaterialInstance
Represents an instance of a specific material.
Public classMaterialInstanceCollection
Manages a read-only collection of MaterialInstance objects.
Public classMeshInstancingNodeT
Represents a MeshNode which uses hardware instancing to efficiently render many instances of a single Mesh.
Public classMeshNode
Represents an instance of a mesh in a 3D scene.
Public classModelNode
Represents a 3D model composed of multiple SceneNodes.
Public classOccluderNode
Represents an occluder in a 3D scene.
Public classParticleSystemNode
Represents an instance of a particle effect in a 3D scene.
Public classPlanarReflectionNode
Represents an image of a planar reflection (e.g. a flat mirror).
Public classRenderToTextureNode
Represents a scene node which renders data to a texture (e.g. a scene capture, an environment map, or a reflection image for a mirror).
Public classScatteringSkyNode
Renders the sky using atmospheric scattering.
Public classScene
Manages a scene of 3D objects represented by scene nodes (a.k.a the "scene graph").
Public classCode exampleSceneCaptureNode
Captures a snapshot of the scene.
Public classSceneChangedEventArgs
Provides arguments for an event concerning a SceneNode.
Public classSceneHelper
Provides helper methods for working with a scene graph and SceneNodes.
Public classSceneNode
Represents an object in a 3D scene.
Public classSceneNodeCollection
Manages a collection of scene nodes as the children of another scene node.
Public classSceneNodeCollisionFilter
Filters collisions between scene nodes using their group IDs.
Public classShadowCasterQuery
Returns the shadow casting nodes that touch a specific reference scene node.
Public classSkyboxNode
Represents a cube map ("skybox") that is into the background of the current render target.
Public classSkyNode
Renders graphics in the background, such as distant mountains, sky, stars, etc.
Public classSkyObjectNode
Represents sky objects, like the sun and the moon.
Public classCode exampleSpriteNode
Represents a 2D sprite in a scene.
Public classStarfieldNode
Represents a set of stars.
Public classTerrainNode
Represents an instance of a height-field-based terrain. (Not available on these platforms: Xbox 360, mobile platforms)
Public classWaterNode
Represents a body of water, e.g. a lake, river or an infinite ocean.
Public interfaceIScene
Manages a collection of 3D objects represented by scene nodes (a.k.a the "scene graph").
Public interfaceCode exampleISceneQuery
Represents a query that can be executed against a scene.
Public enumerationSceneChanges
Specifies a change in the scene graph.