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DigitalRuneCloudLayerNode Class
Renders a cloud layer into the distant sky.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DigitalRune.Graphics.SceneGraph
Assembly: DigitalRune.Graphics (in DigitalRune.Graphics.dll) Version: (
public class CloudLayerNode : SkyNode

The CloudLayerNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodCloudLayerNode
Initializes a new instance of the CloudLayerNode class.
Public methodClone
Creates a new SceneNode that is a clone of the current instance (incl. all children).
Protected methodCloneCore
Makes the instance a clone (deep copy) of the specified SceneNode.
(Overrides SkyNodeCloneCore(SceneNode).)
Protected methodCreateInstanceCore
When implemented in a derived class, creates a new instance of the SceneNode derived class.
(Overrides SceneNodeCreateInstanceCore.)
Public methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases all resources used by the scene node and all descendant nodes.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean, Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by an instance of the SceneNode class and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Overrides SceneNodeDispose(Boolean, Boolean).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetTextureCoordinates
Gets the texture coordinates of the cloud texture in the specified direction.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInvalidate
Invalidates this scene node and all children.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnParentChanged
Called when Parent was changed.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Protected methodOnPoseChanged
Raises the PoseChanged event.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Protected methodOnSceneChanged
Raises the SceneChanged event.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Protected methodOnShapeChanged
Raises the ShapeChanged event.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodClearLastPose
Clears the LastPoseWorld property of the current scene node (and its descendants).
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodClearLastScale
Clears the LastScaleWorld property of the current scene node (and its descendants).
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodContains
Determines whether whether a scene node contains another scene node in its subtree.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetAncestors
Gets the ancestors of the given scene node.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetChildren
Gets the children of the given scene node.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetDescendantsOverloaded.
Gets the descendants of the given scene node using a depth-first search.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetDescendants(Boolean)Overloaded.
Gets the descendants of the given scene node using a depth-first or a breadth-first search.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetLeaves
Gets the leaves of the scene node.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetRoot
Gets the root node.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetSceneNode
Gets a scene node by name from the subtree of the specified scene node.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetSelfAndAncestors
Gets the scene node and its ancestors scene.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetSubtreeOverloaded.
Gets the subtree (the given scene node and all of its descendants) using a depth-first search.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetSubtree(Boolean)Overloaded.
Gets the subtree (the given scene node and all of its descendants) using a depth-first or a breadth-first search.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodGetSubtreeAabb
Gets the AABB of the current subtree.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodLookAt(Vector3F, Vector3F)Overloaded.
Rotates the scene node so that it faces a certain direction (in world space).
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodLookAt(Vector3F, Vector3F, Vector3F)Overloaded.
Moves and rotates the scene node so that it faces a certain direction (in world space).
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodSetInstanceAlpha
Sets the opacity (alpha) of a scene node - see remarks.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodSetLastPose
Sets LastPoseWorld to the current PoseWorld.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodSetLastScale
Sets LastScaleWorld to the current ScaleWorld.
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public Extension MethodSupportsInstanceAlpha
Determines whether the opacity of the scene node can be changed using SetInstanceAlpha(SceneNode, Single).
(Defined by SceneHelper.)
Public propertyAabb
Gets the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) in world space.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyActualIsEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether this scene node is actually enabled. (The method checks the current scene node and its ancestors.)
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyAlpha
Gets or sets the opacity of the clouds.
Public propertyAmbientLight
Gets or sets the ambient light intensity used to shade the clouds.
Public propertyCastsShadows
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this scene node blocks the light and casts shadows.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyChildren
Gets or sets the children of this scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyCloudMap
Gets or sets the cloud map that provides the cloud texture.
Public propertyDrawOrder
Gets or sets the draw order.
(Inherited from SkyNode.)
Public propertyForwardScatterExponent
Gets or sets the forward scatter exponent used to define the range of the forward scatter effect.
Public propertyForwardScatterOffset
Gets or sets the forward scatter offset used to define the brightness of dark cloud parts when looking straight at the sun.
Public propertyForwardScatterScale
Gets or sets the forward scatter exponent used to define the intensity of forward scattered sun light.
Public propertyHorizonBias
Gets or sets the horizon bias which moves the horizon down.
Public propertyHorizonFade
Gets or sets a value which determines where the clouds start to fade out towards the horizon.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this scene node has been disposed of.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this scene node is enabled. (May override children - see remarks.)
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsRenderable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this scene node can be rendered with a SceneNodeRenderer.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsShadowCasterCulled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the occlusion culling determined that this scene node does not need to be rendered into the shadow map of the directional light.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsStatic
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this scene node is static (immobile).
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyLastFrame
Gets or sets the number of the last frame in which the scene node was rendered.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyLastPoseWorld
Gets or sets the PoseWorld of the last frame.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyLastScaleWorld
Gets or sets the ScaleWorld of the last frame.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyMaxDistance
Gets or sets the maximum distance up to which the scene node is rendered. (Needs to be normalized - see remarks.)
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyNumberOfSamples
Gets or sets the number of samples used to compute cloud lighting in the shader.
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyPoseLocal
Gets or sets the pose (position and orientation) relative to the parent scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyPoseWorld
Gets or sets the pose (position and orientation) in world space.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyProxy
Gets or sets the proxy node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyRenderData
Gets or sets the cached renderer data.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertySampleDistance
Gets or sets the sample distance for cloud lighting.
Public propertyScaleLocal
Gets or sets the scale relative to the parent scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyScaleWorld
Gets the total effective scale (which incorporates the scale factors of parent scene nodes).
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertySceneData
Gets or sets scene data.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyShape
Gets or sets the bounding shape of this scene node.
(Inherited from SkyNode.)
Public propertySkyCurvature
Gets or sets the sky curvature.
Public propertySortTag
Gets or sets the sort tag.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertySunDirection
Gets or sets the direction to the sun.
Public propertySunLight
Gets or sets the sun light intensity used to shade the clouds.
Public propertySunOcclusion
Gets the sun occlusion.
Public propertySunQuerySize
Gets or sets the size of the SunOcclusion query.
Public propertyTextureMatrix
Gets or sets the matrix used to transform the cloud texture.
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets user-defined data.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyUserFlags
Gets or sets a 16-bit value which can be used to store user-defined information or flags.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public eventSceneChanged
Occurs when the local subtree changed.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public eventShapeChanged
Occurs when the Shape or ScaleWorld was changed.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIDisposableDispose
Releases all resources used by the scene node and all descendant nodes.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIGeometricObjectClone
Creates a new IGeometricObject that is a clone (deep copy) of the current instance.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIGeometricObjectPose
Gets the pose (position and orientation) in world space.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate eventIGeometricObjectPoseChanged
Occurs when the pose was changed.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIGeometricObjectScale
Gets the total effective scale (which incorporates the scale factors of parent scene nodes).
(Inherited from SceneNode.)

The CloudLayerNode is a SkyNode that renders a distant layer of clouds. CloudLayerNode are rendered by the SkyRenderer. The clouds are alpha-blended over the background. (The renderer does not draw the background sky, only clouds.)

Clouds are defined by a CloudMap, which provides a cloud texture. The cloud texture stores the transmittance of the sky (see Texture for more information). It is possible to use user-defined textures (see UserDefinedCloudMap), or dynamically generate clouds at runtime (see LayeredCloudMap).

The clouds are projected into the sky. The property SkyCurvature can be used to blend between a paraboloid projection (SkyCurvature = 1) or a planar projection (SkyCurvature = 0). A paraboloid projection makes optimal use of the texture resolution. Therefore, high values like 0.9, should be used for SkyCurvature. If a true paraboloid projection is used (SkyCurvature = 1), then the texture fills the whole sky without any tiling. If the SkyCurvature is less than 1, then the texture does not cover the whole sky and tiling (texture wrapping) is used to fill the sky. If the cloud texture is not a seamlessly tiling texture, then TextureMatrix must be used to change the scale of the texture and hide the seams.

The clouds are lit by SunLight and AmbientLight. A forward scattering effect is visible in the SunDirection. ForwardScatterExponent, ForwardScatterScale and ForwardScatterOffset define the range and strength of this effect. The clouds are also lit in other directions and NumberOfSamples/ SampleDistance define the quality of the lighting effect.

Clouds can be faded out to disappear near the horizon. HorizonFade defines the height where clouds start to fade out.

Cloning: When a CloudLayerNode is cloned the CloudMap is copied by reference (shallow copy). The original and the cloned node will reference the same CloudMap instance.

See Also