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DigitalRuneIScene Interface
Manages a collection of 3D objects represented by scene nodes (a.k.a the "scene graph").

Namespace: DigitalRune.Graphics.SceneGraph
Assembly: DigitalRune.Graphics (in DigitalRune.Graphics.dll) Version: (
public interface IScene

The IScene type exposes the following members.

Public methodHaveContact
Determines whether bounding shapes of two scene nodes overlap.
Public methodQueryT
Gets the scene nodes that touch the specified reference node.
Public propertyChildren
Gets the scene nodes.

A IScene manages a collection of SceneNodes. A scene node usually represents an instance of a graphics object (a mesh, a camera, a light, etc.).

A scene has two important purposes:

The scene graph is the organization of the scene nodes that is visible to the application logic. But internally, a scene can organize scene nodes in a way which is optimal for rendering. Different types of scenes might require different implementations: For example, indoor levels, outdoor levels, top-down views, side-scrolling games, etc. might require different data structures in order to enable efficient queries. Therefore, different applications can use different implementations of IScene.

The default implementation Scene internally uses a CollisionDomain with a DualPartitionT to accelerate scene queries.

See Also