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DigitalRuneISpatialPartition<T> Methods

The ISpatialPartition< T> generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd (Inherited from ICollection<T>.)
Public methodClear (Inherited from ICollection<T>.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new spatial partition that is a clone (deep copy) of the current instance.
Public methodContains (Inherited from ICollection<T>.)
Public methodCopyTo (Inherited from ICollection<T>.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from IEnumerable<T>.)
Public methodGetOverlaps()
Gets overlaps of all items contained in this spatial partition.
Public methodGetOverlaps(T)
Gets the items that touch the given item.
Public methodGetOverlaps(Aabb)
Gets the items that touch the given axis-aligned bounding box (AABB).
Public methodGetOverlaps(ISpatialPartition<T>)
Gets overlaps between all items of this spatial partition and the items of another spatial partition.
Public methodGetOverlaps(Ray)
Gets the items that touch the given ray.
Public methodGetOverlaps(Vector3F, Pose, ISpatialPartition<T>, Vector3F, Pose)
Gets overlaps between all items of this spatial partition and the items of another spatial partition.
Public methodInvalidate()
Invalidates the cached spatial information of all items in the spatial partition.
Public methodInvalidate(T)
Invalidates the cached spatial information of the specified item.
Public methodRemove (Inherited from ICollection<T>.)
Public methodUpdate
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAddRange<T> (Defined by CollectionHelper.)
Public Extension MethodDo<T>(Action<T>)Overloaded.
Performs the given action on each element in a sequence when it is enumerated.
(Defined by LinqHelper.)
Public Extension MethodDo<T>(Action<T, Int32>)Overloaded.
Performs the given action on each element (incorporating its index) in a sequence when it is enumerated.
(Defined by LinqHelper.)
Public Extension MethodForEach<T>(Action<T>)Overloaded.
Immediately performs the given action on each element in a sequence.
(Defined by LinqHelper.)
Public Extension MethodForEach<T>(Action<T, Int32>)Overloaded.
Immediately performs the given action on each element (incorporating its index) in a sequence.
(Defined by LinqHelper.)
Public Extension MethodIndexOf<T>
Returns the index of the first element in a sequence that satisfies the specified condition.
(Defined by LinqHelper.)
See Also