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DigitalRuneLightShape Property
Gets (or sets) the shape of the light volume.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Graphics
Assembly: DigitalRune.Graphics (in DigitalRune.Graphics.dll) Version: (
public Shape Shape { get; protected set; }

Property Value

Type: Shape
A Shape that describes the light volume (the area that is hit by the light).

The Shape defines the space that is lit by the light source. The shape depends on the type of light (see derived classes). For example, the light volume of a PointLight is a SphereShape where the radius of the sphere matches the range of the light. The light volume is used by the Scene to determine which objects are lit by a certain light source.

This shape is used for culling using bounding shapes. It is not used to clip the lit area: If the bounding shape of a mesh touches this shape, then the whole mesh is lit - not only the overlapping part! The Clip property of a LightNode can be used to define a clipping volume.

Some light classes may allow to change the shape. But the shape should not be replaced while the Light is in use, i.e. referenced by a LightNode. For example, if the bounding shape is a SphereShape, the radius of the sphere can be changed at any time. But it is not allowed to replace the SphereShape with a BoxShape as long as the light is used in a scene. Replacing the bounding shape will not raise any exceptions, but the light node may not use the new shape, hence it may not be rendered as desired.

See Also