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DigitalRuneDefinitions and Conventions

This section explains basic usage information and conventions used in DigitalRune Mathematics.

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More general information about math conventions can be found in the following article: 3D Math Conventions

Coordinate system

The standard right-handed coordinate system is used.

Vector notation and matrix multiplications

The library uses column vectors, which means that transformations are applied in the following order: v' = M2 · M1 · v . (The transformation of matrix M1 is applied before M2.)

Comparing floating-point values

This library contains a class Numeric that supports proper comparison of floating-point values. The comparisons are performed by checking if two values differ by less than a tolerance value epsilon. (Note: The class Numeric is part of the DigitalRune.dll not the DigitalRune.Mathematics.dll.)

Several types overload the comparison operators (==, !=, >=, etc. in C#), for example: Vector3F, Matrix44F. These overloaded operations compare the floating-point values directly (without using an epsilon tolerance). In addition to the equality operators most types have methods, like AreNumericallyEqual, that perform comparisons using an epsilon tolerance.

Naming conventions

Single- and double-precision floating-point types

Several types exist in a single-precision version (data type: Single) and a double-precision version (data type: Double). Single-precision types have the postfix F. Double-precision types have the postfix D. For example: Vector3F is a 3-dimensional vector with single-precision. Vector3D is a 3-dimensional vector with double-precision.
