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DigitalRuneImageBasedLight Properties

The ImageBasedLight type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlendMode
Gets or sets the blend mode for the diffuse light contribution.
Public propertyColor
Gets or sets the RGB color of the light.
Public propertyDiffuseIntensity
Gets or sets the diffuse intensity of the light.
Public propertyEnableLocalizedReflection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cube map reflection is localized.
Public propertyEncoding
Gets or sets the color encoding used by the cube map texture.
Public propertyFalloffRange
Gets or sets the relative distance over which light effect falls off.
Public propertyHdrScale
Gets or sets the HDR scale of the light.
Public propertyLocalizedReflectionBox
Gets or sets the axis-aligned bounding box used to localize the cube map reflection when EnableLocalizedReflection is set.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the light.
(Inherited from Light.)
Public propertyShape
Gets or sets the bounding shape of the light volume.
Public propertySpecularIntensity
Gets or sets the specular intensity of the light.
Public propertyTexture
Gets or sets the cube map texture.
See Also