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DigitalRuneSkeletonHelper Class
Provides helper methods for working with skeletons.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DigitalRune.Animation.Character
Assembly: DigitalRune.Animation (in DigitalRune.Animation.dll) Version: (
public static class SkeletonHelper

The SkeletonHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCopy
Copies the bone transforms from skeleton pose to another skeleton pose.
Public methodStatic memberDrawBones
Draws the skeleton bones, bone space axes and bone names for debugging. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public methodStatic memberGetChain
Gets the bone indices of a bone chain.
Public methodStatic memberGetNumberOfBones
Counts the number of bones in a bone chain.
Public methodStatic memberIsAncestor
Determines whether the given bone indices form a valid bone chain.
Public methodStatic memberIsAncestorOrSelf
Determines whether the given bone indices form a valid bone chain.
Public methodStatic memberResetBoneTransforms(SkeletonPose, Int32, Int32)
Resets the bone transforms of all bones in a bone chain.
Public methodStatic memberResetBoneTransforms(SkeletonPose, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Resets the bone transform components (scale, rotation or translation) of all bones in a bone chain.
Public methodStatic memberResetBoneTransformsInSubtree
Resets the bone transform components (scale, rotation or translation) of all bones in a bone subtree.
Public methodStatic memberRotateBoneAbsolute
Rotates a bone where the rotation is given in model space.
Public methodStatic memberSetBonePoseAbsolute
Sets the bone transform to create a desired pose in model space.
Public methodStatic memberSetBoneRotationAbsolute
Sets the bone rotation of a bone so that it matches the given rotation in model space.
See Also