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DigitalRuneFromToByAnimationTEasingFunction Property
Gets or sets the easing function that controls the pace of the interpolation.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Animation
Assembly: DigitalRune.Animation (in DigitalRune.Animation.dll) Version: (
[ContentSerializerAttribute(SharedResource = true)]
public IEasingFunction EasingFunction { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: IEasingFunction
The easing function that controls the pace of the interpolation. The default value is , which means that a linear interpolation is applied.
An IEasingFunction can be applied to control the pace of the interpolation. For example, a CubicEase can be used to start slow, but then accelerate towards the target value. Special easing functions, such as the BounceEase or ElasticEase can be used to create special animation effects, such as bounces or oscillations.
See Also