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DigitalRuneDigitalRune.Animation Namespace
The DigitalRune.Animation namespace provides an animation system which allows to define and play animations.
Public classAnimatablePropertyT
Represents a property that can be animated. (Default implementation.)
Public classAnimationT
Provides a base implementation for animations.
Public classAnimationClipT
Plays back a clip of another animation.
Public classAnimationCurveTValue, TPoint, TCurveKey, TCurve
Animates a value using an animation curve. (Base implementation.)
Public classAnimationException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the animation system.
Public classAnimationHelper
Provides helper methods for working with animations.
Public classAnimationInstance
Represents an instance of an animation timeline.
Public classAnimationInstanceT
Represents an instance of an animation.
Public classAnimationInstanceCollection
Manages the children of an animation instance.
Public classAnimationManager
Represents the animations system which can be used to play back animations.
Public classAnimationTransitions
Provides a set of predefined transitions to start or stop animations.
Public classAvatarExpressionKeyFrameAnimation
Animates a AvatarExpression value using key frames. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classBlendAnimation
Blends animations within a BlendGroup. (For internal use only.)
Public classBlendAnimationT
Blends animations within a BlendGroup. (For internal use only.)
Public classBlendGroup
Blends two or more animations.
Public classColorAnimation
Animates a Color value by applying an animation to each component of the color. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classColorFromToByAnimation
Animates a Color value from/to/by a certain value. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classColorKeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Color value using key frames. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classCurve2FAnimation
Animates a Single value using a predefined animation curve.
Public classDelegateAnimatablePropertyT
Wraps an existing field or property and makes it animatable.
Public classFromToByAnimationT
Animates a value from/to/by a certain value. (Base implementation.)
Public classInvalidAnimationException
Occurs when an animation encounters an invalid state.
Public classKeyFrameT
Defines the value of an animation at a certain point in time.
Public classKeyFrameAnimationT
Animates a value based on predefined key frames. (Base implementation.)
Public classKeyFrameCollectionT
Manages a collection of key frames.
Public classPath2FAnimation
Animates a point in 2D space that follows a predefined path.
Public classPath3FAnimation
Animates a point in 3D space that follows a predefined path.
Public classPathAnimationTPoint, TPathKey, TPath
Animates a point that follows a predefined path. (Base implementation.)
Public classQuaternionAnimation
Animates a Quaternion value by applying an animation to each component of the quaternion. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classQuaternionFAnimation
Animates a QuaternionF value by applying an animation to each component of the quaternion.
Public classQuaternionFFromToByAnimation
Animates a QuaternionF value from/to/by a certain value.
Public classQuaternionFKeyFrameAnimation
Animates a QuaternionF value using key frames.
Public classQuaternionFromToByAnimation
Animates a Quaternion value from/to/by a certain value. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classQuaternionKeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Quaternion value using key frames. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classSingleFromToByAnimation
Animates a Single value from/to/by a certain value.
Public classSingleKeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Single value using key frames.
Public classSrtAnimation
Animates an SrtTransform by applying an animation to each component (scale, rotate, translate) of the transform.
Public classSrtFromToByAnimation
Animates an SrtTransform from/to/by a certain value.
Public classSrtKeyFrameAnimation
Animates an SrtTransform using key frames.
Public classTimelineClip
Plays back a clip of another animation timeline.
Public classTimelineGroup
Organizes a group of animations which can be played simultaneously.
Public classVector2Animation
Animates a Vector2 value by applying an animation to each component of the vector. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVector2FAnimation
Animates a Vector2F value by applying an animation to each component of the vector.
Public classVector2FFromToByAnimation
Animates a Vector2F value from/to/by a certain value.
Public classVector2FKeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Vector2F value using key frames.
Public classVector2FromToByAnimation
Animates a Vector2 value from/to/by a certain value. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVector2KeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Vector2 value using key frames. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVector3Animation
Animates a Vector3 value by applying an animation to each component of the vector. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVector3FAnimation
Animates a Vector3F value by applying an animation to each component of the vector.
Public classVector3FFromToByAnimation
Animates a Vector3F value from/to/by a certain value.
Public classVector3FKeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Vector3F value using key frames.
Public classVector3FromToByAnimation
Animates a Vector3 value from/to/by a certain value. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVector3KeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Vector3 value using key frames. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVector4Animation
Animates a Vector4 value by applying an animation to each component of the vector. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVector4FAnimation
Animates a Vector4F value by applying an animation to each component of the vector.
Public classVector4FFromToByAnimation
Animates a Vector4F value from/to/by a certain value.
Public classVector4FKeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Vector4F value using key frames.
Public classVector4FromToByAnimation
Animates a Vector4 value from/to/by a certain value. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public classVector4KeyFrameAnimation
Animates a Vector4 value using key frames. (Only available in the XNA-compatible build.)
Public structureAnimationController
Provides interactive control over an animation.
Public structureBlendGroupEnumerator
Enumerates the elements of a BlendGroup.
Public interfaceIAnimatableObject
Represents an object that can be animated.
Public interfaceCode exampleIAnimatableProperty
Represents a property that can be animated.
Public interfaceCode exampleIAnimatablePropertyT
Represents a property of a certain type that can be animated.
Public interfaceIAnimation
Defines the change of a value over time.
Public interfaceIAnimationT
Defines the change of a value over time.
Public interfaceIAnimationService
Exposes the functionality of the animation system.
Public interfaceIKeyFrameT
Defines the value of an animation at a certain point in time.
Public interfaceITimeline
Positions an animation along a timeline.
Public enumerationAnimationState
Defines the state of an animation.
Public enumerationFillBehavior
Defines the behavior of an animation when its duration is exceeded.
Public enumerationLoopBehavior
Defines the behavior of an animation when it is repeated.