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DigitalRuneParticleSystemIAnimatableObjectGetAnimatedProperties Method
Gets either the properties which are currently animated, or all properties which can be animated. (See remarks.)

Namespace: DigitalRune.Particles
Assembly: DigitalRune.Particles (in DigitalRune.Particles.dll) Version: (
IEnumerable<IAnimatableProperty> IAnimatableObject.GetAnimatedProperties()

Return Value

Type: IEnumerableIAnimatableProperty
The properties which are currently animated, or the all properties which can be animated. (See remarks.)


This method is required by the animation system to stop all animations running on this object. The type that implements this method can either:
  • Variant #1: Return only the properties which are currently being animated.
  • Variant #2: Return all properties which can be animated - independent of whether they are currently being animated or not.
The first implementation (Variant #1) is preferred by the animation system, but in some cases it is not easily possible to determine which properties are currently being animated. In this case the IAnimatableObject may simple return all properties (Variant #2).
See Also