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DigitalRuneMatrixF Methods

The MatrixF type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbsolute()
Sets each matrix element to its absolute value.
Public methodStatic memberAbsolute(MatrixF)
Returns a matrix with the absolute values of the elements of the given matrix.
Public methodStatic memberAdd
Adds two matrices.
Public methodStatic memberAreNumericallyEqual(MatrixF, MatrixF)
Determines whether two matrices are equal (regarding the tolerance EpsilonF).
Public methodStatic memberAreNumericallyEqual(MatrixF, MatrixF, Single)
Determines whether two matrices are equal (regarding a specific tolerance).
Public methodClampToZero()
Clamps near-zero matrix elements to zero.
Public methodClampToZero(Single)
Clamps near-zero matrix elements to zero.
Public methodStatic memberClampToZero(MatrixF)
Returns a matrix with the matrix elements clamped to the range [min, max].
Public methodStatic memberClampToZero(MatrixF, Single)
Returns a matrix with the matrix elements clamped to the range [min, max].
Public methodClone
Clones this instance.
Public methodStatic memberCreateIdentity
Creates an identity matrix.
Public methodStatic memberDivide
Divides a matrix by a scalar.
Public methodEquals(Object)
Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
(Overrides Object.Equals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(MatrixF)
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetColumn
Gets the column with the given index.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Overrides Object.GetHashCode().)
Public methodGetMinor
Gets the minor matrix.
Protected methodGetObjectData
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
Public methodGetRow
Gets the row with the given index.
Public methodGetSchema
This property is reserved, apply the XmlSchemaProviderAttribute to the class instead.
Public methodGetSubmatrix(Int32[],Int32[])
Gets a submatrix of this matrix.
Public methodGetSubmatrix(Int32, Int32,Int32[])
Gets a submatrix of this matrix.
Public methodGetSubmatrix(Int32[], Int32, Int32)
Gets a submatrix of this matrix.
Public methodGetSubmatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Gets a submatrix of this matrix.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInvert
Inverts the matrix.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(Single, MatrixF)
Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(MatrixF, MatrixF)
Multiplies two matrices.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(MatrixF, VectorF)
Multiplies a matrix with a column vector.
Public methodStatic memberNegate
Negates a matrix.
Public methodReadXml
Generates an object from its XML representation.
Public methodSet(Single)
Sets the matrix elements to the specified value.
Public methodSet(Single[,])
Sets the matrix elements to the values of the array.
Public methodSet(Single[][])
Sets the matrix elements to the values of the array.
Public methodSet(MatrixF)
Sets the elements of this matrix.
Public methodSet(IList<Single>, MatrixOrder)
Sets the matrix elements to the values of the list.
Public methodSet(Single[], MatrixOrder)
Sets the matrix elements to the values of the array.
Public methodSetColumn
Sets a column.
Public methodSetIdentity
Sets this matrix to an identity matrix.
Public methodSetRow
Sets a row.
Public methodSetSubmatrix
Sets a submatrix of this matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSolveLinearEquations(MatrixF, MatrixF)
Solves the linear set of equations A * X = B.
Public methodStatic memberSolveLinearEquations(MatrixF, VectorF)
Solves the linear set of equations A * x = b.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract
Subtracts two matrices.
Public methodToArray1D
Converts this matrix to an array of float values.
Public methodToArray2D
Converts this MatrixF to a 2-dimensional float array.
Public methodToArrayJagged
Converts this MatrixF to a jagged float array.
Public methodToList
Converts this matrix to a list of float values.
Public methodToMatrix22F
Converts this MatrixF to Matrix22F.
Public methodToMatrix33F
Converts this MatrixF to Matrix33F.
Public methodToMatrix44F
Converts this MatrixF to Matrix44F.
Public methodToMatrixD
Converts this MatrixF to MatrixD.
Public methodToString()
Returns the string representation of this matrix.
(Overrides Object.ToString().)
Public methodToString(IFormatProvider)
Returns the string representation of this matrix using the specified culture-specific format information.
Public methodTranspose
Transposes this matrix.
Public methodTryInvert
Inverts the matrix if it is invertible.
Public methodWriteXml
Converts an object into its XML representation.
See Also