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DigitalRuneSingleLerpEffector Properties

The SingleLerpEffector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ParticleEffector is enabled.
(Inherited from ParticleEffector.)
Public propertyEndParameter
Gets or sets the name of the parameter that defines the end value. (A varying or uniform parameter of type Single.)
Public propertyFactorParameter
Gets or sets the name of the parameter that defines the interpolation factor. (A varying or uniform parameter of type Single.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this particle effector.
(Inherited from ParticleEffector.)
Public propertyParticleSystem
Gets or sets the particle system.
(Inherited from ParticleEffector.)
Public propertyStartParameter
Gets or sets the name of the parameter that defines the start value. (A varying or uniform parameter of type Single.)
Public propertyValueParameter
Gets or sets the name of the parameter that stores the interpolation result. (A varying or uniform parameter of type Single.)
See Also