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DigitalRuneFigureNodeDashInWorldSpace Property
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the StrokeDashPattern is computed in world space or in screen space.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Graphics.SceneGraph
Assembly: DigitalRune.Graphics (in DigitalRune.Graphics.dll) Version: (
public bool DashInWorldSpace { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean
if the dash pattern is computed in world space; otherwise, to compute the dash pattern in screen space.
This property is only relevant if the line uses a StrokeDashPattern.

If this value is , the dash and gap size is computed in screen space. That means, the dash/gap size is given in pixels, and the dash size does not depend on the distance from the viewer.

If this value is , the dash and gap size is computed in world space. That means, the dash/gap size is relative to world space units, and the dash size is foreshortened: A dash near the camera is longer than a dash in the distance.

See Also