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DigitalRuneStep 15: Add DigitalRune Graphics content

Advanced graphics and HiDef effects, like post-processing, require special shaders and lookup textures. These assets come pre-built for each platform and can be found in this folder:

  • <DigitalRune Engine Folder>\Content\
Add DigitalRune Graphics content
  1. In the Solution Explorer right-click the MyGame solution.
  2. Select Add | Existing Project…
  3. Browse to
    • <DigitalRune Engine Folder>\Content\XNA\Windows
  4. Select DigitalRune.Graphics (Windows).contentproj and click Open.
  5. In the Solution Explorer right-click the MyGame project.
  6. Select Add Content Reference…
  7. Select DigitalRune.Graphics (Windows).contentproj and click OK.

A content project is added to the solution which contains several pre-build assets (effects and lookup textures) in XNB format. The content project does not build anything, it only copies the *.xnb files to the output folder of your project.


Let's run the project and check if the post-processing is working:
