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DigitalRuneDigitalRune.Game.Input Namespace
The DigitalRune.Game.Input namespace provides types to read and process input from input devices, like gamepad, keyboard, mouse, touch devices, etc.
Public classConfigurableInputCommand
Represents an input command that supports a flexible input mapping. (Experimental: This class is experimental and subject to change.)
Public classInputCommandCollection
Manages a collection of IInputCommands.
Public classInputManager
Manages user input from several devices. See IInputService.
Public classInputMapping
Defines a combination of keys, buttons and more that can be used to trigger an action.
Public classInputSettings
Defines settings for the input service.
Public interfaceIInputCommand
Defines a command that is activated by user input.
Public interfaceCode exampleIInputService
Manages user input from keyboard, mouse, Xbox 360 controllers and other devices.
Public enumerationDeviceAxis
Describes an analog input source, like an axis of joystick.
Public enumerationLogicalPlayerIndex
Identifies a player.
Public enumerationModifierKeys
Describes the pressed modifier keys.
Public enumerationMouseButtons
Identifies a mouse button.
Public enumerationPressType
Defines the type of a key or button press.