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DigitalRuneCurveLoopType Enumeration
Defines how a curve is continued before the first curve key or after the last curve key.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Mathematics.Interpolation
Assembly: DigitalRune.Mathematics (in DigitalRune.Mathematics.dll) Version: (
public enum CurveLoopType
  Member nameValueDescription
Constant0 The curve value is constant and equal to the nearest key.
Linear1 The curve value is a linear extrapolation of the nearest key value in the direction of the tangent.
Cycle2 Parameters specified past the ends of the curve will wrap around to the opposite side of the curve. If the values of the first and last key are different, the value will "jump" instantly from one value to the other at the curve ends.
CycleOffset3 Same as Cycle but the curve values are offset by the difference of the first and last key value. Unlike Cycle the curve is continued without "jumps" at the curve ends.
Oscillate4 Parameters specified past the ends of the curve act as an offset from the same side of the curve toward the opposite side. This is similar to Cycle where the curve is mirrored beyond the curve ends.
See Also