DigitalRune.Mathematics.Interpolation Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ArcSegment2F |
Defines a 2-dimensional elliptic arc segment (single-precision).
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BezierSegment1F |
Defines a single segment of a 1-dimensional cubic Bézier spline (single-precision).
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BezierSegment2F |
Defines a single segment of a 2-dimensional cubic Bézier splines (single-precision).
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BezierSegment3F |
Defines a single segment of a 3-dimensional cubic Bézier splines (single-precision).
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BSplineSegment1F |
Defines a single segment of a 1-dimensional cubic B-spline (single-precision).
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BSplineSegment2F |
Defines a single segment of a 2-dimensional cubic B-spline (single-precision).
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BSplineSegment3F |
Defines a single segment of a 3-dimensional cubic B-spline (single-precision).
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CardinalSegment1F |
Defines a single segment of a 1-dimensional cubic Cardinal spline (single-precision).
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CardinalSegment2F |
Defines a single segment of a 2-dimensional cubic Cardinal spline (single-precision).
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CardinalSegment3F |
Defines a single segment of a 3-dimensional cubic Cardinal spline (single-precision).
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CatmullRomSegment1F |
Defines a single segment of a 1-dimensional cubic Catmull-Rom spline (single-precision).
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CatmullRomSegment2F |
Defines a single segment of a 2-dimensional cubic Catmull-Rom spline (single-precision).
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CatmullRomSegment3F |
Defines a single segment of a 3-dimensional cubic Catmull-Rom spline (single-precision).
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Curve2F |
Represents a 2-dimensional curve that is used to define a function y = f(x)
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CurveKeyTParam, TPoint |
Defines a curve key (control point) of a piecewise curve.
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CurveKey2F |
Defines a control point on a Curve2F (single-precision).
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HermiteSegment1F |
Defines a single segment of a 1-dimensional cubic Hermite spline (single-precision).
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HermiteSegment2F |
Defines a single segment of a 2-dimensional cubic Hermite spline (single-precision).
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HermiteSegment3F |
Defines a single segment of a 3-dimensional cubic Hermite spline (single-precision).
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InterpolationHelper |
Provides methods for interpolation and approximation of values.
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LineSegment1F |
Defines a 1-dimensional line segment (single-precision).
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LineSegment2F |
Defines a 2-dimensional line segment (single-precision).
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LineSegment3F |
Defines a 3-dimensional line segment (single-precision).
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Path2F |
Represents a 2-dimensional path that is defined by piecewise interpolation of key points
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Path3F |
Represents a 3-dimensional path that is defined by piecewise interpolation of key points
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PathKey2F |
Defines a waypoint of a 2-dimensional path (singe-precision).
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PathKey3F |
Defines a waypoint of a 3-dimensional path (singe-precision).
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PiecewiseCurveTParam, TPoint, TCurveKey |
Represents a curve that is defined by piecewise interpolation of curve keys (control points).
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PiecewiseCurveFTPoint, TCurveKey |
Represents a curve that is defined by piecewise interpolation of curve keys (control points).
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RadialBasisRegressionF |
Scattered Interpolation using multiple regression analysis with radial basis functions
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ScatteredInterpolationF |
Base class for scattered interpolation methods (single-precision).
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ShepardInterpolationF |
Scattered Interpolation using Shepard's method (single-precision).
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StepSegment1F |
Defines a step interpolation between two values (single-precision).
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StepSegment2F |
Defines a step interpolation between two 2-dimensional points (single-precision).
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StepSegment3F |
Defines a step interpolation between two 3-dimensional points (single-precision).
Interface | Description | |
ICurveTParam, TPoint |
Represents a curve.
Enumeration | Description | |
CurveLoopType |
Defines how a curve is continued before the first curve key or after the last curve key.
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SplineInterpolation |
The type of spline interpolation used to interpolate between two curve keys.
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StepInterpolation |
The type of step interpolation.