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A ragdoll is an articulated body (rigid bodies connected with joints) that is modeled after the character. The ragdoll can be added to a physics simulation and used in a variety of ways. For example:

  • Collision detection: The ragdoll is controlled by the animated character and is used to detect collisions.
  • Death animations: The ragdoll is activated when the character is dead. The physics simulation is used to create a life-like falling animation.
  • Interaction with other objects: The ragdoll is controlled by the animated character and the ragdoll interacts with (pushes) other objects within the simulation.
  • Blending animation and physics: The ragdoll is controlled by the simulation and constraint motors are used to drive the bodies to a target pose. This can be used to let the ragdoll fall (simulated by the physics engine) and at the same time let the character try to obtain a defensive posture.

This topic contains the following sections:

Ragdoll classes

The Ragdoll can be used for collision detection and to create procedural animations for 3D character models.

DigitalRune.Physics.Specialized (Ragdolls)
Class Diagram: DigitalRune.Physics.Specialized (Ragdolls)
Xbox LIVE Avatars

The library supports Xbox LIVE Avatars out-of-the-box. The method RagdollCreateAvatarRagdoll can be used to create a ragdoll for any Xbox LIVE Avatar with just a single method call. There is no complicated setup required.

The "AvatarSample" (see DigitalRune Animation Samples) shows how to use avatar ragolls and how to blend key frame animations and ragdoll physics.

Screenshot: Screenshot of the Avatar Sample
See Also