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DigitalRuneDigitalRune Physics
DigitalRune Physics

DigitalRune Physics is a .NET class library for game physics, especially rigid body dynamics. Such a library is usually called a physics engine. The library was designed for use in video games and virtual reality applications.

This topic contains the following sections:


Here is an overview of features in this product.


  • Intended and optimized for use in 3D real-time applications
  • Multithreading support
  • Extensible: Users can add new force effects, constraints (joints), materials etc.


  • Rigid body dynamics
  • Computation of mass properties for all kinds of shapes and general triangle meshes
  • Force effects and force fields: Gravity, Damping, Explosion, Buoyancy (bodies swimming in water)
  • Materials supporting dry friction, restitution and surface motion. Support for uniform materials, composite materials and custom materials.
  • Sleeping (Automatic deactivation of inactive objects)
  • Continuous Collision Detection (CCD) for fast moving objects


  • Joints: ball-and-socked joint, cylindrical slider joint, prismatic slider joint, fixed/weld joint, hinge/revolute joint, hinge-2 joint, universal joint
  • Joint limits: angular limits, linear limits, plane limit, twist-and-swing limit
  • Free configurable constraints that can be used to create new constraint types: AngularLimit, LinearLimit
  • Motors and damped springs: Position motors, orientation motors, velocity motors (servos)
  • Miscellaneous constraints: No-rotation constraint, point-on-line constraint, point-on-plane constraint

Special modules

  • Ragdolls for Xbox LIVE Avatars (including blending of ragdoll physics and keyframed animation)
  • Character controllers for computing 3D avatar movement
  • Vehicle physics