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DigitalRuneRagdoll Class
Represents a ragdoll of a 3D animated character.
Provides helper methods for working with ragdolls.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DigitalRune.Physics.Specialized
Assembly: DigitalRune.Physics.Specialized (in DigitalRune.Physics.Specialized.dll) Version: (
public class Ragdoll

The Ragdoll type exposes the following members.

Public methodRagdoll
Initializes a new instance of the Ragdoll class.
Public methodAddToSimulation
Adds all parts of the ragdoll to a simulation.
Public methodStatic memberCreateAvatarRagdoll(AvatarPose, Simulation)
Creates a Ragdoll for an Xbox LIVE Avatar. (Only available on Xbox 360.)
Public methodStatic memberCreateAvatarRagdoll(Skeleton, Simulation)
Creates a Ragdoll for an Xbox LIVE Avatar. (Only available on Xbox 360.)
Public methodDisableJoints
Disables all joints.
Public methodDisableLimits
Disables all limits.
Public methodDisableMotors
Disables all motors.
Public methodDriveToPose(SkeletonPose, Single)
Drives the ragdoll bodies to the target pose using the Motors.
Public methodDriveToPose(SkeletonPose, TimeSpan)
Drives the ragdoll bodies to the target pose using the Motors.
Public methodEnableJoints
Enables all joints.
Public methodEnableLimits
Enables all limits.
Public methodEnableMotors
Enables all motors.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveFromSimulation
Removes all ragdoll parts from the simulation.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateBodiesFromSkeleton
Updates the poses of the bodies, so that the bodies match the bone transforms of the given skeleton pose.
Public methodUpdateBodyFromSkeleton
Updates the pose of a single body, so that the bodies match the bone transforms of the given bone.
Public methodUpdateSkeletonFromBodies
Updates the bone transforms of the skeleton pose, so that the bones match the ragdoll bodies.
Public propertyBodies
Gets the rigid bodies that represent the ragdoll limbs.
Public propertyBodyOffsets
Gets the body offsets.
Public propertyJoints
Gets the joints.
Public propertyLimits
Gets the limits.
Public propertyMotors
Gets the motors.
Public propertyPose
Gets or sets the pose (position and orientation) of the character in world space.
Public propertySimulation
Gets the simulation to which this ragdoll was added.

A ragdoll represents a 3D animated character in the physics engine. To define a ragdoll you need several Bodies that represent the limbs of a character. In many cases, rigid bodies are only created for the important bones of the character skeleton. The rigid bodies are connected using constraints, e.g. BallJoints, HingeJoints, etc. See property Joints. Limits are constraints that restrict the relative movement of limbs to avoid unrealistic poses. Motors can be used to control the ragdoll pose.

The Ragdoll class is a container for all the parts of a ragdoll (bodies, joints, limits, motors, etc.). When AddToSimulation(Simulation) is called, all relevant parts are added to the physics Simulation and the ragdoll simulation starts. RemoveFromSimulation must be called to stop the ragdoll simulation and/or when the ragdoll is no longer needed.

UpdateBodiesFromSkeleton(SkeletonPose) takes a skeleton and moves the ragdoll bodies so that they match the skeleton pose. This method instantly moves ("teleports") the bodies to their new positions. When this method is used, the bodies do not smoothly interact with other physics objects. This method is usually only used to initialize the rigid body positions when the ragdoll is added to the simulation.

UpdateSkeletonFromBodies(SkeletonPose) animates a SkeletonPose so that it matches the ragdoll posture. If a skeleton should be animated by the physics system, then this method must be called in each frame.

DriveToPose(SkeletonPose, Single) uses motors to control the movement of the bodies. This method must be used if the ragdoll should interact with other physics objects, or if an animation should be blended with the physically-based movement.

While a ragdoll is added to a simulation, it is not allowed to add or remove Bodies, Joints, Limits or Motors.

Ragdoll creation:
The ragdoll does not contain helper methods for ragdoll creation. To create the ragdoll rigid bodies must be added to Bodies. The order of the rigid bodies is important because the index in this list determines with which skeleton bone the body will be associated. This list can contain entries (often bodies are only created for important bones). It is allowed that this list has less or more entries than the number of bones. Offsets can be added to BodyOffsets. The order of BodyOffsets is the same as for Bodies. If no offsets are set the bodies are centered at the bone origins.

Constraints that connect the rigid bodies should be added to the Joints list. The joints in this list can have any order. Typically, a BallJoint is created at each bone origin to connect the body of a bone with the body of the parent bone.

Constraints that restrict the allowed relative body movement should be added to the Limits list. The limits in this list can have any order.

Motors that control body movement should be added to Motors. The motors in this list can have any order.

Ragdoll usage scenarios:

  • Collision detection only: A ragdoll can be used to detect collisions with an animated character. In this scenario, UpdateBodiesFromSkeleton(SkeletonPose) is called in each frame to set the rigid bodies to the pose of the skeleton. The physics Simulation can be used to detect collision of other rigid bodies with the ragdoll.
  • Death animations: The ragdoll is activated when the character is dead. The bodies are simulated to create a falling animation. UpdateSkeletonFromBodies(SkeletonPose) is called in each frame. The physics simulation controls the skeleton animation.
  • Character can push other bodies: The ragdoll bodies are Kinematic. Motors are used to move the rigid bodies to the skeleton position. In each frame DriveToPose(SkeletonPose, Single) must be called. If the rigid bodies collide with other obstacles, they move the obstacles. This is a one way interaction - the ragdoll does not react to collisions with other objects.
  • Blending animation and physics: The ragdoll is controlled by the simulation and constraint motors are used to drive the bodies to a target skeleton pose. This can be used to let the ragdoll fall (simulated by the physics engine) and at the same time the character tries to obtain a defensive posture. In this scenario, DriveToPose(SkeletonPose, Single) must be called to set the motor target position. UpdateSkeletonFromBodies(SkeletonPose) must be called in each frame to update the skeleton of the visible model.

See Also