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DigitalRuneMotionSettingsCcdFilter Property
Gets or sets a predicate method that defines whether CCD is enabled between a pair of rigid bodies.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Physics.Settings
Assembly: DigitalRune.Physics (in DigitalRune.Physics.dll) Version: (
public Func<RigidBody, RigidBody, bool> CcdFilter { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: FuncRigidBody, RigidBody, Boolean
A method that returns if CCD should be used. If this method returns , CCD is not used for the given pair of bodies. If this value is , CCD is enabled for all pairs. The default is .

The method does not need to check whether parameters are . It is guaranteed that the method is never called with parameters.

Thread-safety: This method may be called concurrently from different threads. It must be safe for threading!

See Also