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DigitalRuneLoopBehavior Enumeration
Defines the behavior of an animation when it is repeated.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Animation
Assembly: DigitalRune.Animation (in DigitalRune.Animation.dll) Version: (
public enum LoopBehavior
  Member nameValueDescription
Constant0 The animation value is constant. The animation repeats the nearest valid animation value (the start value if time < start time, or the end value of the animation if time > end time).
Cycle1 The animation will be repeated if the time value goes past the end of the animation. (Note that the start and end value of cyclic animations needs to be identical to have smooth transitions between iterations.)
CycleOffset2 The animation will be repeated if the time value goes past the end animation. Additionally, the animation values of the next cycle will be offset by the difference between the end value and start value of the animation to enable smooth transitions between iterations. (This behavior can be used to achieve cyclic animations that accumulate the animation values from one iteration to the next time.)
Oscillate3 The animation will be automatically reversed and repeated. (This behavior is also known as 'auto-reverse' or 'ping-pong'.)
See Also