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DigitalRuneDigitalRune.Geometry.Meshes Namespace
The DigitalRune.Geometry.Meshes namespace provides support for handling triangle meshes.
Public classConvexDecomposition
Performs an approximate convex decomposition of an input mesh. (Not available on these platforms: Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, Xbox 360)
Public classDcelEdge
Edge data structure for a Doubly-Connected Edge List (DCEL).
Public classDcelFace
Face data structure for a Doubly-Connected Edge List (DCEL).
Public classDcelMesh
A mesh represented by a Doubly-Connected Edge List (DCEL).
Public classDcelVertex
Vertex data structure for a Doubly-Connected Edge List (DCEL).
Public classTriangleMesh
Provides a simple ITriangleMesh implementation using vertex and index lists.
Public classVertexAdjacency
Stores the adjacency lists for the vertices of a mesh. (For internal use only.)
Public interfaceITriangleMesh
Represents a triangle mesh.