GraphicsHelper Methods |
The GraphicsHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DrawFullScreenQuad |
Draws a full-screen quad.
| |
DrawQuad(GraphicsDevice, Rectangle) |
Draws a screen-aligned quad.
| |
DrawQuad(GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionTexture, VertexPositionTexture) |
Draws a screen-aligned quad.
| |
DrawQuad(GraphicsDevice, Rectangle, Vector2F, Vector2F) |
Draws a screen-aligned quad.
| |
GetAngularAttenuation |
Computes the angular attenuation (spotlight falloff) for a given angle.
| |
GetCubeMapForwardDirection |
Gets the camera forward direction for rendering into a cube map face.
| |
GetCubeMapUpDirection |
Gets the camera up direction for rendering into a cube map face.
| |
GetDistanceAttenuation |
Computes the light attenuation factor for a given distance.
| |
GetFrustumFarCorners(Projection, Vector3) |
Gets the view space positions of the 4 far corners of the viewing frustum.
| |
GetFrustumFarCorners(Projection, Vector2F, Vector2F, Vector3) |
Gets the view space positions of the 4 far corners of a quad at the far plane of the viewing
| |
GetLightContribution |
Gets a factor that is an approximation of the perceived light contribution of the given
light falling on an object at the given world space position.
| |
GetScissorRectangle(CameraNode, Viewport, IGeometricObject) |
Gets a scissor rectangle that encloses the specified geometric object.
| |
GetScissorRectangle(CameraNode, Viewport, Vector3F, Single) |
Gets a scissor rectangle that encloses the specified sphere.
| |
GetSpriteBatch |
Gets a shared SpriteBatch instance.
| |
GetUniqueColor |
Gets a unique color for an object.
| |
GetViewNormalizedDistance(Single, Matrix44F) |
Converts the specified distance to a view-normalized distance ("LOD distance").
| |
GetViewNormalizedDistance(SceneNode, CameraNode) |
Calculates the view-normalized distance ("LOD distance") of the specified scene node.
| |
Project(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from world space into screen space.
| |
Project(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from world space into screen space.
| |
Project(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from object space into screen space.
| |
ResetTextures |
Sets the textures of all samplers to .
| |
TakeScreenshot |
Creates a texture containing the content of the current back buffer.
(Only available in the HiDef profile.)
| |
Unproject(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from screen space into view space.
| |
Unproject(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from screen space into world space.
| |
Unproject(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from screen space into object space.