GraphicsHelper Class |
Namespace: DigitalRune.Graphics
The GraphicsHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DrawFullScreenQuad |
Draws a full-screen quad.
| |
DrawQuad(GraphicsDevice, Rectangle) |
Draws a screen-aligned quad.
| |
DrawQuad(GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionTexture, VertexPositionTexture) |
Draws a screen-aligned quad.
| |
DrawQuad(GraphicsDevice, Rectangle, Vector2F, Vector2F) |
Draws a screen-aligned quad.
| |
GetAngularAttenuation |
Computes the angular attenuation (spotlight falloff) for a given angle.
| |
GetCubeMapForwardDirection |
Gets the camera forward direction for rendering into a cube map face.
| |
GetCubeMapUpDirection |
Gets the camera up direction for rendering into a cube map face.
| |
GetDistanceAttenuation |
Computes the light attenuation factor for a given distance.
| |
GetFrustumFarCorners(Projection, Vector3) |
Gets the view space positions of the 4 far corners of the viewing frustum.
| |
GetFrustumFarCorners(Projection, Vector2F, Vector2F, Vector3) |
Gets the view space positions of the 4 far corners of a quad at the far plane of the viewing
| |
GetLightContribution |
Gets a factor that is an approximation of the perceived light contribution of the given
light falling on an object at the given world space position.
| |
GetScissorRectangle(CameraNode, Viewport, IGeometricObject) |
Gets a scissor rectangle that encloses the specified geometric object.
| |
GetScissorRectangle(CameraNode, Viewport, Vector3F, Single) |
Gets a scissor rectangle that encloses the specified sphere.
| |
GetSpriteBatch |
Gets a shared SpriteBatch instance.
| |
GetUniqueColor |
Gets a unique color for an object.
| |
GetViewNormalizedDistance(Single, Matrix44F) |
Converts the specified distance to a view-normalized distance ("LOD distance").
| |
GetViewNormalizedDistance(SceneNode, CameraNode) |
Calculates the view-normalized distance ("LOD distance") of the specified scene node.
| |
Project(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from world space into screen space.
| |
Project(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from world space into screen space.
| |
Project(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from object space into screen space.
| |
ResetTextures |
Sets the textures of all samplers to .
| |
TakeScreenshot |
Creates a texture containing the content of the current back buffer.
(Only available in the HiDef profile.)
| |
Unproject(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from screen space into view space.
| |
Unproject(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from screen space into world space.
| |
Unproject(Viewport, Vector3F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F, Matrix44F) |
Projects a position from screen space into object space.
Name | Description | |
BlendStateAdd |
A default state object for additive blending (colors and alpha values are accumulated).
| |
BlendStateMultiply |
A default state object for multiplicative blending (colors and alpha values are multiplied).
| |
BlendStateNoColorWrite |
A default state object for disabled color writes.
| |
BlendStateWriteAlpha |
A default state object for color writes in the alpha channel.
| |
BlendStateWriteBlue |
A default state object for color writes in the blue channel.
| |
BlendStateWriteGreen |
A default state object for color writes in the green channel.
| |
BlendStateWriteRed |
A default state object for color writes in the red channel.
| |
DepthStencilStateAlways |
A default state object for enabled depth buffer writes and a disabled depth buffer test.
| |
DepthStencilStateNoWriteEqual |
A default state object for disabled depth buffer writes and a depth buffer function of
| |
DepthStencilStateNoWriteGreater |
A default state object for disabled depth buffer writes and a depth buffer function of
| |
DepthStencilStateNoWriteGreaterEqual |
A default state object for disabled depth buffer writes and a depth buffer function of
| |
DepthStencilStateNoWriteLessEqual |
A default state object for disabled depth buffer writes and a depth buffer function of
| |
LuminanceWeights |
The weights for red, green and blue to convert a color to a luminance.
| |
ProjectorBiasMatrix |
A bias matrix that converts a vector from clip space to texture space.
| |
RasterizerStateCullClockwise |
A rasterizer state object with settings for culling primitives with clockwise winding order.
| |
RasterizerStateCullCounterClockwise |
A rasterizer state object with settings for culling primitives with counter-clockwise
winding order.
| |
RasterizerStateCullNone |
A rasterizer state object with settings for not culling primitives.
| |
RasterizerStateWireFrame |
A default state object for wire-frame rendering.
| |
A matrix which converts colors from the sRGB color space to the CIE XYZ color space.
| |
A matrix which converts colors from the CIE XYZ color space to the sRGB color space.
This class provides several default render state objects (e.g. BlendStateAdd). These default render state objects are only created once per graphics device and are reused. This objects must not be modified.