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DigitalRuneEulerMotorTargetAngles Property
Gets or sets the target angles.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Physics.Constraints
Assembly: DigitalRune.Physics (in DigitalRune.Physics.dll) Version: (
public Vector3F TargetAngles { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Vector3F
The target values for the three Euler angles in radians: (angle0, angle1, angle2). an angle can be set to NaN to disable the motor on this axis.

The EulerMotor uses the same Euler angles as the AngularLimit.

The Euler angles are computed for following order of rotations: The first rotations is about the x-axis. The second rotation is about the rotated y-axis after the first rotation. The last rotation is about the final z-axis.

The Euler angles are unique if the second angle is less than +/- 90°. The limits for the rotation angles are [-180°, 180°] for the first and the third angle. And the limit for the second angle is [-90°, 90°].

Use GetEulerAngles(Matrix33F) to get the Euler angles of a given rotation.

See Also