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DigitalRuneConstraintHelperGetEulerAngles Method
Gets the Euler angles for the given rotation.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Physics.Constraints
Assembly: DigitalRune.Physics (in DigitalRune.Physics.dll) Version: (
public static Vector3F GetEulerAngles(
	Matrix33F rotation


Type: DigitalRune.Mathematics.AlgebraMatrix33F
The rotation.

Return Value

Type: Vector3F
A vector with the three Euler angles in radians: (angle0, angle1, angle2).

The Euler angles are computed for following order of rotations: The first rotations is about the x-axis. The second rotation is about the rotated y-axis after the first rotation. The last rotation is about the final z-axis.

The Euler angles are unique if the second angle is less than +/- 90°. The limits for the rotation angles are [-180°, 180°] for the first and the third angle. And the limit for the second angle is [-90°, 90°].

See Also