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DigitalRuneMeshNode Properties

The MeshNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAabb
Gets the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) in world space.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyActualIsEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether this scene node is actually enabled. (The method checks the current scene node and its ancestors.)
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyCastsShadows
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this scene node blocks the light and casts shadows.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyChildren
Gets or sets the children of this scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this scene node has been disposed of.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this scene node is enabled. (May override children - see remarks.)
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsRenderable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this scene node can be rendered with a SceneNodeRenderer.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsShadowCasterCulled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the occlusion culling determined that this scene node does not need to be rendered into the shadow map of the directional light.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyIsStatic
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this scene node is static (immobile).
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyLastFrame
Gets or sets the number of the last frame in which the scene node was rendered.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyLastPoseWorld
Gets or sets the PoseWorld of the last frame.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyLastScaleWorld
Gets or sets the ScaleWorld of the last frame.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyMaterialInstances
Gets a collection of MaterialInstances associated with the mesh.
Public propertyMaxDistance
Gets or sets the maximum distance up to which the scene node is rendered. (Needs to be normalized - see remarks.)
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyMesh
Gets or sets the mesh.
Public propertyMorphWeights
Gets or sets the weights of the morph targets.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyPoseLocal
Gets or sets the pose (position and orientation) relative to the parent scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyPoseWorld
Gets or sets the pose (position and orientation) in world space.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyProxy
Gets or sets the proxy node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyRenderData
Gets or sets the cached renderer data.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyScaleLocal
Gets or sets the scale relative to the parent scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyScaleWorld
Gets the total effective scale (which incorporates the scale factors of parent scene nodes).
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertySceneData
Gets or sets scene data.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyShape
Gets (or sets) the bounding shape of this scene node.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertySkeletonPose
Gets or sets the skeleton pose for mesh skinning.
Public propertySortTag
Gets or sets the sort tag.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets user-defined data.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Public propertyUserFlags
Gets or sets a 16-bit value which can be used to store user-defined information or flags.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIGeometricObjectPose
Gets the pose (position and orientation) in world space.
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIGeometricObjectScale
Gets the total effective scale (which incorporates the scale factors of parent scene nodes).
(Inherited from SceneNode.)
See Also