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DigitalRuneDRTextureFormat Enumeration
Defines the texture format.

Namespace: DigitalRune.Graphics.Content.Pipeline
Assembly: DigitalRune.Graphics.Content.Pipeline (in DigitalRune.Graphics.Content.Pipeline.dll) Version: (
public enum DRTextureFormat
  Member nameValueDescription
NoChange0 The texture format of the input texture is not changed by the content processor.
Color1 The texture format of the input texture is converted to SurfaceFormat.Color (32-bit ARGB format with alpha, 8 bits per channel) by the content processor.
Dxt2 The texture format of the input texture is converted to an appropriate DXT compression by the content processor. (If the input texture contains fractional alpha values, it is converted to DXT5 format; otherwise it is converted to DXT1.)
Normal3 The texture format of the input texture is converted to DXT5nm by the content processor. (This format reduces compression artifacts when storing normal maps. The x-component of the normal is stored in the Alpha channel and the y-component is stored in the Green channel. The z-component needs to be reconstructed in the pixel shader.)
NormalInvertY4 The texture format of the input texture is converted to DXT5nm by the content processor. (This format reduces compression artifacts when storing normal maps. The x-component of the normal is stored in the Alpha channel and the inverted y-component is stored in the Green channel. The z-component needs to be reconstructed in the pixel shader.)
See Also