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DigitalRuneParticleSystem Properties

The ParticleSystem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAabb
Gets the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB).
Public propertyChildren
Gets or sets the collection of child particle systems.
Public propertyCurrentDelay
Gets or sets the current delay.
Public propertyEffectors
Gets the particle effectors.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ParticleSystem is enabled.
Public propertyEnableMultithreading
Gets or sets a value indicating whether multithreading is enabled.
Public propertyInitialDelay
Gets or sets the initial delay.
Public propertyMaxNumberOfParticles
Gets the maximum number of particles.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this particle system.
Public propertyNumberOfActiveParticles
Gets the number of active particles.
Public propertyNumberOfLivingParticles
Gets the number of living particles.
Public propertyParameters
Gets the particle parameters.
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent particle systems.
Public propertyParticleStartIndex
Gets index of the first active particle in the particle parameter arrays.
Public propertyPose
Gets or sets the pose (position and orientation) of the particle system relative to the Parent or the world.
Public propertyPreloadDeltaTime
Gets or sets the preload delta time.
Public propertyPreloadDuration
Gets or sets the preload duration.
Public propertyRandom
Gets or sets the random number generator used by the particle system.
Public propertyReferenceFrame
Gets or sets which 3D reference frame is used for particle parameters and particle effector properties.
Public propertyRenderData
Gets or sets the render data.
Public propertyService
Gets the particle system service.
Public propertyShape
Gets or sets the bounding shape of the particle system.
Public propertyTime
Gets the simulation time of the particle system.
Public propertyTimeScaling
Gets or sets the time scaling.
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data.
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIGeometricObjectScale
Gets the scale. - Always returns (1, 1, 1).
See Also