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DigitalRuneCcdIKSolver Properties

The CcdIKSolver type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowedDeviation
Gets or sets the allowed distance error.
Public propertyBoneGain
Gets or sets the bone gain.
Public propertyLimitBoneTransforms
Gets or sets the a callback that enforces rotation limits.
Public propertyMaxAngularVelocity
Gets or sets the maximal angular velocity per bone.
(Inherited from IKSolver.)
Public propertyNumberOfIterations
Gets or sets the number of iterations.
Public propertyRootBoneIndex
Gets or sets the index of the root bone.
Public propertySkeletonPose
Gets or sets the skeleton pose.
(Inherited from IKSolver.)
Public propertyTarget
Gets or sets the target position in model space.
(Inherited from IKSolver.)
Public propertyTipBoneIndex
Gets or sets the index of the tip bone.
Public propertyTipOffset
Gets or sets the tip offset in tip bone space.
Public propertyWeight
Gets or sets the weight.
(Inherited from IKSolver.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
See Also